Example sentences of "be look forward to " in BNC.

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1 What may have been looked forward to as a release may instead be an unexpected let-down , with retirement from work adding to the feeling of helplessness and lack of purpose .
2 I felt really devastated that we lost and for that reason I have been looking forward to playing in this event again . ’
3 You 're sixty-one and have been looking forward to retirement .
4 He had been looking forward to showing it all to her .
5 Even after his first round of 69 , Woosnam was still maintaining that he had not been looking forward to playing , that it had not done much for his confidence and that he was still very nervous with the putter in his hand .
6 One moment he had been looking forward to a happy and wealthy retirement and now , minutes later , he was a condemned criminal with only a few hours left to live .
7 ‘ I 've been looking forward to meeting you too , ’ she answered , which was true .
8 If she had accepted him , she could have been looking forward to a child of her own now .
9 I am still puzzled , to this day , as to why we did n't simply demand a refund and leave ; probably because we had all been looking forward to getting away so much that we were prepared to tolerate anything .
10 The time and effort demanded of them may put a strain on their relationship with a partner , who may have been looking forward to the years when they could be alone again as a couple .
11 I 've really been looking forward to flying — it will be my first time on a plane . ’
12 I 'd been looking forward to telling Charlie how depressed and lonely I 'd been since we moved to London .
13 And here is Edward , who has so been looking forward to a new playmate ! ’
14 He had had a good day at the office and his head had not troubled him ; they seemed pleased with his work ; he had been looking forward to telling her about it over supper , and now this .
15 Ramsay knew her by repute only and had been looking forward to seeing her in person .
16 He had had only one more year to serve before he could have retired into civilian life , and both he and Isobel had been looking forward to this .
17 The result will be disappointing , not only for you but also for the bride who has been looking forward to keeping her flowers for ever .
18 Looking immaculate in a bright red suit she said : ‘ I have been looking forward to this moment for a long time and I am glad to have been a part of it . ’
19 He had been looking forward to ‘ getting away ’ as he put it , perhaps because it sounded more therapeutic than ‘ going on holiday ’ .
20 It was a birthday treat he had been looking forward to all week .
21 He had really been looking forward to seeing her tonight .
22 At long last you 've got a spare half hour to play that adventure you 've been looking forward to !
23 Some of the girls had been looking forward to this as to the highlight of the trip , but Clara had been dreading it , and for a classic reason , which was that she had nothing nice to wear .
24 She was suddenly aware that she had been looking forward to her new life in Portugal far more than she had realized .
25 She had been looking forward to this moment , for it promised a long-sought revenge : a revenge not only against her husband for the bitterness and suffering he had caused her , but also against the harlot , Hannah Gristy , whose lithe body and brazen looks had tempted young Gregory into fornication nearly forty years before , and of whom this insolent little slut was so painful a reminder .
26 I been looking forward to this all day .
27 Gradually , during his visits there , he began to tell her how much he had been looking forward to it , and confided how he would remember their ‘ walking the policies , ( which is what Delia Sutherland called a businesslike like across her property ) and sitting up late at night drinking brandy , discussing plans .
28 ‘ You know , Pip , ’ replied Joe , ‘ how we 've both been looking forward to working together .
29 He 's come here with a fixed idea , which he 's been looking forward to for half his life .
30 She had n't been looking forward to this session ; yet , deep down , there was a contrary twinge niggling at her sexuality that insisted she might enjoy it .
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