Example sentences of "be not material [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On 24 January 1992 Cazalet J. granted the local authority the necessary leave and gave various directions which are not material for present purposes .
2 These differences are not material for present purposes .
3 When a problem is based on a rule — e.g. the rule in Derry v. Peek or Rylands v. Fletcher — it is usually advisable to state the whole rule in a sentence or two , even though some parts of the rule are not material to the problem .
4 The portfolio also contains a number of low equity interests that are peripheral to LASMO 's main areas of activity and which are not material to the fortunes of the enlarged Group .
5 The Crown submitted that , even if the defendant 's approach be accepted , the defence could not exclude admissible evidence , even if proper notice of it had not been given , and further argued that Zaidie 's evidence ( confirmed by the defendant ) that an accident was not suggested in the telephone call to him was conclusive when taken with the incontrovertible circumstances of the shooting , thereby suggesting that the ‘ irregularities ’ were not material in the sense that the defence could have profited if they had not occurred .
6 Section 2(3) is not material for present purposes .
7 This is so , for example , if its inclusion is not material for the purposes of giving a true and fair view or if , in effect , the parent is not able to exercise dominance over the subsidiary or holds its interest in the subsidiary exclusively with a view to resale , or the information necessary for group accounts can not be obtained without disproportionate delay or expense .
8 It is not material to any issue before the court , but I should record that on 26 March 1991 the board of Lautro considered whether intervention remained justified in the light of information that had come to their knowledge since 30 October 1990 .
9 The Vendor can not be expected to anticipate what is and what is not material to a Purchaser .
10 " The heart and soul of a resource collection is not material at all : it lies in the structure of thought it exhibits , in the creative association it provokes and in the opportunities it provides for training the young learner in how to learn and think . "
11 Rodney Toogood , chairman , said the matter was not material to the business .
12 or by Butler-Sloss L.J. , no doubt because it was not material on their approach to the case . )
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