Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] [v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mr. Win : Unlike Conservative Members , I am an admirer of the SDA and I am not attacking it in any way .
2 But once we do so , once we see that by calling God ‘ transcendent ’ we are not banishing Him to some distant celestial isle from which to look down on us , then it becomes easier and not harder to understand His presence .
3 ‘ They grudgingly agreed , but they are not producing them for general sale .
4 We are not getting it at all .
5 Under Common Law everyone is bound by duty to care for others by ensuring that they are not endangering them in any way .
6 Er , very wary of those , really , and we 're not recommending them at all .
7 ( When you 're not eating it with other meats , try melon , fresh figs or avocado . )
8 I mean you 're not locking him in any more are you ?
9 ‘ Yes , but we 're not starting it till this evening . ’
10 If you 're not doing it like that and you 're in a conversation or atmosphere in the room , when I find it , this little gadget is wonderful , this will pick up for a long way , this will pick up the dogs next door , if there was no other noise in this room .
11 I was trying to conduct an interview , and now I 'm trying to explain to you that you 're not making it at all easy .
12 Erm and er what I would like to see , and I 've long wanted to see this coming out of the church , is a rite of passage that I with integrity can offer to any parents who come to me with a , a , a lovely little baby in their arms saying to me parish minister can you give us something that would satisfy us , and they 're not saying it like this , but they want a rite of passage .
13 Flares are n't news in Dublin they 're still wearing them from that first time round .
14 Please do n't think you 're doing your horse a favour in cold weather by shutting his top door , because you 're actually subjecting him to all sorts of health hazards .
15 So they they 're actually asking us for five hundred and ninety five pounds .
16 ‘ People are always comparing us to Bogshed ’ , slurs Carl in the band van after the third encore and the obligatory dressing room conversation with two fully grown men with Baldrick haircuts , plastic carrier bags , tatty combat jackets , thick lensed NHS glasses and lots and lots of badges .
17 Remember opportunity costs : in coughing up the money for one project , investors are still comparing it with other possible projects .
18 However , at the time of going to press , Berthoud , Chafer and Degania are also offering them as original equipment on their sprayers .
19 MUSICIANS from a Merseyside orchestra are really knocking 'em for six .
20 Though many were crumbling after the Second World War many owners are now putting them in good order . ’
21 In some cases , firms , such as Nestlé in regions of Brazil , having purchased haciendas , are now running them with modern agricultural techniques .
22 I 'm not saying it like that , what I 'm saying is I would pref , yes , I would like them to be involved in it a as far as my subject reports are concerned I would like our reports that we do , we do involve the kids , I pass them out , we discuss them and I 'll re-draft but I would not , rather not have their written sample on that piece .
23 Oh yeah , I 'm not having it like that .
24 ‘ I 'm not manipulating you at all .
25 I 'm not thanking you for that Phil .
26 So y I 've got to weigh up whether I 'm actually going to make a profit over four years or whether it 's going to be , but I 'm not doing it for that it 's not so much making a profit as the fact that I can secure the loan for four years and know that I have n't got any extra to , to find , and when you 've retired , if you 've got say seven years on your mortgage and you 're thinking well if mortgage rates go up erm I could get stuffed you know if they doubled again then you could actually fix on that assumption .
27 I said no , I 'm not , I 'm not doing it for that reason I said I 'm trying to you know thought to myself we 'll give them something back .
28 I 'm not doing it for monetary reward or because I 'm asked to ; I 'm doing it because I feel I have to do it .
29 I 'm not doing it for monetary reward or because I 'm asked to ; I 'm doing it because I feel I have to do it .
30 I do n't like me voice , I 'm not liking it at all and I think that 's what putting me off on taping it and listening to myself after , I do n't , I like , I like
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