Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For example , the three animal portrait artists interviewed here are successfully engaged with a differentiated public and certainly voice separate considerations regarding their production .
2 We should take care to distinguish between instances of the definite article which are textually determined by a previous mention and those which are determined by assumptions about the schemata of the receiver .
3 A note of warning is necessary here , as the Revenue can sometimes seek to deny the £30,000 exemption under s188 where a departing executive is also a vendor shareholder , on the basis that the sum paid as compensation for loss of office is in reality attributable to the sale of his shares , and they may also challenge the deductibility by Target of such payments , especially if these are effectively funded by a reduced acquisition price for Target .
4 Instead we are arguing that all academic texts are effectively working with a particular brief and it is important that this be either spelled out in the production of academic texts or taken apart systematically by the readership .
5 The House will understand that , although we prefer these matters to be resolved by competitive tendering , in this case we are effectively talking about a single supplier , so it is vital to get the contract right .
6 systems are rarely tested in a comparable way , for example in terms of actual input , number of writers , size of vocabulary and so on ;
7 Research posts often have short-term contracts and are rarely held on a tenured basis .
8 GLT : = Goldeck Loft Technology : A special system developed by Goldeck whereby polyester hollow fibres are spirally crimped in a three-dimensional configuration giving a down-like performance .
9 All , or at least some are presumably revealed in a slender monthly publication .
10 They are plushly decorated with a red carpet and a fine wooden floor , and the walls have recessed oil lamps , paintings and hangings .
11 The resulting competition probably causes the animals to occupy small but adequate territories which are vigorously defended by a monogamous pair .
12 That such insights are available to gay people ( whether we are writers or not ) should come as no surprise — from birth we are relentlessly socialized into a heterosexual identity that we may later choose to reject but which remains an always familiar landscape — those on the margins of a culture know more about its centre than the centre can ever know about the margins .
13 One concerns the domains of independence which are most cherished by a particular person .
14 You are suddenly awoken by a loud noise .
15 Others are obviously drawn from a wide range of vegetal , animal and architectural forms ; the diverse influences of mythology , folklore , history and the other decorative arts can also be seen .
16 The research done by the HDRA has shown that the hover flies are much attracted by a bright little annual plant , much beloved in old-style cottage gardens , which rejoices in the delightful common name ‘ poached egg plant ’ , as each whitish flower has a golden yellow centre just like a poached or fried egg .
17 This means that the particles are highly ordered in a regular three-dimensional arrangement .
18 John MacGregor , Secretary of State for Education , yesterday said ‘ the report shows we are better placed for a major advance than some have suggested ’ .
19 Mr C F Motley of Lincolnshire has a small collection of such things which I feel sure have a rarity value as match-slips are eagerly collected on a world-wide scale .
20 The admission that laws of nature can not be established by induction became possible only with Karl Popper 's demonstration that they are sufficiently assured by a continued failure to refute them , the rationality of a claim depending not on its origin but on its success in surviving criticism .
21 I do find that most people who come out here on short contracts are only looking for a paid holiday .
22 Thus individuals are only presented with a limited choice of tenure and , according to the Nationwide Building Society
23 Such statements are only made after a considerable expenditure of time and effort by both the company and its auditors .
24 I mean we are only talking about a few yards difference .
25 Bearing in mind that if we do have the whole house then people are only coming for a few days or or even one night could no they had somewhere to stay .
26 To an extent , the questionnaire approach can be sterile and impersonal , but questions are only included after a good deal of face to face discussion .
27 The company 's hotels are run as autonomous units , and their operations are only co-ordinated to a limited extent .
28 I suspect that the reason why the right has been so little asserted or used is because of the established right of individuals , who are personally libelled by a false attack upon a local authority , to sue for damages and because those in control of local authorities have sensibly left the issues to be resolved in those proceedings .
29 Nevertheless , Hertz is justly famous for the confirmation he achieved , whereas my frequent confirmations are rightly ignored in a scientific context .
30 I am suddenly consumed with a ridiculous curiosity .
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