Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These , then , are the techniques , rules and procedures which are widely adopted as part of the practical management of large cohorts of pupils .
2 Many of these compounds are widely used in industry for cleaning and degreasing metals , for dry cleaning , and for processing leather .
3 That is especially so at this time , when we are effectively handing from Parliament to Ministers the right to decide , on private Bills , to lay orders .
4 This is another reason why a well-advised employer who offers you an ex gratia payment when your job comes to an end is likely to insist that you are effectively prevented in law from making any further claim against him ( see Chapter 19 ) .
5 As a result they have contributed to the public consultation process which accompanies the development of such plans , and have always sought to ensure that local planning policies are properly implemented in relation to the assessment of individual applications .
6 They are also responsible for preparing financial statements which give a true and fair view and are properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act , maintaining proper accounting records and having an effective system of internal financial control .
7 In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of The Scottish Council ( Development and Industry ) Limited as at 30 September 1990 and of the Income and Expenditure and Source and Application of Funds for the year ended on that date and are properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985 .
8 In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of The Scottish Council ( Development and Industry ) Limited as at 30 September 1991 and of the Income and Expenditure and Source and Application of Funds for the year ended on that date and are properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985 .
9 In fact , pay-scales are mostly fixed by reference to other jobs in their sector rather than the rest of the art world , let alone in industry or the professions .
10 A lot of accidents occur on slides , for instance , which are mostly designed for use by seven to 12-year-olds , but which in practice are used more by preschoolers .
11 Finely , fossil animals are often found in association with the remains of their principal food , but rhynchosaurs are rarely found in association with mollusc shells .
12 The central issue which underlies the continuing pattern of human rights violations is that members of the armed forces are rarely brought to justice for the crimes they commit and therefore act with impunity .
13 The rodents and insectivores are the two most important orders of small mammals , for bats are rarely preserved in association with other small mammals , either fossil or modern .
14 Such homoeomorphs are presumably produced in response to very similar life habits .
15 Possibly the most potent reason lies in present day , paradoxical attitudes to child rearing and to children , which are most marked in relation to infants .
16 If all that does n't stop the person , they are obviously looking for trouble of some sort and you must quickly decide whether to lash out first or run for safety .
17 Deletions of chromosome 17p are found in 75% of colorectal cancers and are highly correlated with mutation of the remaining p53 gene .
18 In fact , social and economic circumstances such as poverty , poor housing or unemployment are highly associated with onset of some forms of mental illness , and serve to act as triggers precipitating episodes of depression , anxiety and , in some cases psychotic illnesses .
19 Thus Anderson may have been more prophetic than was realized at the time ( Earley 1988:61 ) : Parents are basically looking for reassurance about their children 's schools and teachers .
20 Members experience less work-related stress and are better adjusted to life in the organization .
21 The Government generally take the view that matters of pay and hours are better left to negotiation between employers and employees , or by their representatives , and that they should certainly not be dealt with in legislation or in codes of practice provided for in statute .
22 I shall argue below , in connection with Dennett and Sloman , that our commonsense intuitions about the unity of consciousness are better preserved by analogy with program level than with program module .
23 These life-sustaining ingredients can be applied directly to the vine by man , indeed are so applied by man in commercial viticulture , yet according to Mike Woodhead , the owner of ‘ Le Bonheur ’ in South Africa , it is possible to effect a permanently natural and desirable nutrient cycle in soils considered inferior by some .
24 Francis Latham put the point yet more clearly : ‘ women are physiologically disqualified from contention with men in the political arena , not by virtue of any tyrannical law of man 's devising , but by reason of fixed and irrevocable decrees of nature which may not be violated with impunity ’ .
25 There has been growing concern about patients who are compulsorily detained in hospital as a result of being found unfit to plead or legally insane .
26 Yeah but effectively the customers are only dealing with plastic of
27 The belief underlying such proposals is that many older people are only referred for treatment at a late stage of dependency when treatment is less effective and more expensive .
28 When you ask him for leave to serve him on this mission he will welcome it as the solution to his anxieties , for even if you are only gone from Kinsai for a time , it will seem to him that you do not mean to impose upon his favour . ’
29 Additional awards are not common as they are only made on top of the basic and compensatory awards in cases where the employer has failed to comply with earlier orders either to reinstate or re-engage an employee .
30 On their normal household policy , you are only covered for escape of water from water tanks ( not fish tanks ) , pipes or apparatus , or fixed heating and installation .
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