Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] from [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Among the suits are some from the Greens and others from far-right Republicans .
2 They are different from the views that he is saying are ours , and I wish that he would retract that .
3 They are different from the crows that caw in the trees above our Cages here in the south for their feathers are partly grey and in a moorland mist they seem bigger .
4 I am confident from the discussions that I have had that we could have found the basis for an agreement .
5 There they are safe from the gulls or skuas that harry other nesting sea-birds .
6 The programs and a user-manual ( 11 ) are available from the authors and the EMBL software library ( Netserv EMBL-Heidelberg.DE ) .
7 All the programs described in this paper are available from the authors or from the EMBL software server Netserv EMBL-Heidelberg.DE in the compressed tar-file icrfcontig.tar.Z .
8 Millions of years ago , some serow-like ancestor may have been tempted by the relatively secure niche provided by the steep mountain slopes which are safer from the predators than the plains below .
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