Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] with a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 John Nicholson wafted in and out of their lives and Jack 's recollections of the man he imagined was his father are tinged with a certain sorrow that he had become an alcoholic , with memories of scenes on the home front , and of the young Jack cooling his heels outside one bar or another with a fizzy drink while his ‘ father ’ stood inside drinking neat brandies .
2 They are usually very well made , and although there are always some relatively shoddy examples on the market , the vast majority are extremely durable ; provided they are treated with a reasonable degree of care , they will last for many years .
3 As befits a signatory of a neo-Dada Manifesto Against Style ( 1957 ) , many of Manzoni 's works are unsigned , untitled and undated , and are improvised with a bewildering variety of materials and processes ( ‘ achromes ’ might be made from kaolin , felt , cotton , polystyrene , wool , rabbit fur , bread rolls or stones ) .
4 The nut itself is a curious thing that grows from the so-called cashew apple , and both are filled with a nasty acid fluid that causes dermatitis .
5 All of his poems are filled with a quiet irony ; a message to those patriotic leaders and potential soldiers , removing the glory and honour from war — they strip everything but the bare facts from the issue of war and show it as it is , from first-hand experience .
6 Through a ‘ total cost approach , ’ all aspects of the appication of quality principles in the procurement process are examined with a particular bias towards the engineering environment .
7 Schools where the staff are aligned with a practical philosophy which is more than the usual ‘ whole person ’ rhetoric do exist , but to find your way , as a teacher , to the one that suits is , in these egalitarian and bureaucratic days , often a hit and miss affair .
8 The numbers are painted with a reflective substance which leaves flash pictures over exposed .
9 This is where the forces of the earth are exposed with a dramatic clarity and where billion-year old rocks , deposited at a time when seas extended right across the valley give the stark harshness of the area a startling and a rare and sometimes unexpected beauty at different times of the day .
10 But other places are experimenting with a different mechanism : controlling the market .
11 ‘ However , we are reasonable people and if we are approached with a reasonable alternative , we would be prepared to listen . ’
12 However much the family cling to their culture and security , the younger generation at work and school are grappling with a different set of realities ; the wisdom of the older family member may be less acceptable .
13 After preparing the meat , make sure the work surfaces or chopping board which have been in contact with raw meat and poultry are disinfected with a germ-killing product such as Domestos Multi Surface Cleaner , before going on to prepare salad stuffs and vegetables .
14 Edison 's belief was that atoms are possessed with a certain intelligence , and Max Planck , the great German scientist , has remarked : ‘ I regard matter as derivative from consciousness .
15 When α scans are done with a reduced scattering angle θ , peaks from shadowing are observed .
16 The ever broadening range of involvement by government departments makes it difficult to trace the evolution of policy through Whitehall or to interpret decision making in development planning , and researchers are presented with a bewildering complexity of sources which hinders efficient and economic research .
17 Multi-national pharmaceutical companies , already powerful in the provision of the tools of the medical model , are presented with a golden opportunity by the development of a single European market .
18 You are presented with a blank crossword and a list of clues , and as you click on a square the relevant clue is highlighted .
19 When you join the Golf Plus Club , as a member you are presented with a free book of privilege vouchers that offer substantial discounts on a whole range of golf products and services .
20 GUIs are built with a point-and-click palette and canvas aided by a menu builder , icon painter and colour tools .
21 My protests are met with a simple choice .
22 Very often such cheeses are made with a vegetarian rennet and natural sea salt .
23 NIGEL Clough knows perhaps better than anyone how England are flirting with a losing game that can become a terminal habit .
24 On finding a page , you 're presented with a short subgame , which inevitable involves getting from one corner of the ( static ) screen to another , avoiding anything that moves — succeed , and the page is yours .
25 ‘ It has proved reliable , and the fact that it is four-wheel drive is very handy if you 're coping with a greasy slipway or launching off a beach , ’ says Peaks .
26 At the moment we 're dealing with a general purpose system , which is designed for all sorts of applications , and one pays for having a thing general purpose by costing more money .
27 If we 're dealing with a front page horror story that 's exactly what your journalist is gon na have to do otherwise his editor says it 's not good enough you know go away , rewrite it and you got shock 'em you got ta make 'em cry and you 're not , not yet
28 So what we have , if I can paint it like this , is a development programme which does n't just rely on Oxfordshire Social Services putting cash into it , because there are , if we manage this process properly , other people who we can encourage to bring money into Oxfordshire , but the key thing that 'll only do it is if they 're confident that they 're dealing with a competent organization and somebody that they trust and they have some form of credibility .
29 When you 're dealing with a specific proposal .
30 I think anybody who teaches in the creative arts has this [ rapport ] with kids , because it 's emotionally based … whereas if you 're dealing with a factual subject , a scientific subject , you 're dealing more with things and objects and reactions .
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