Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] [pron] on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I thought he would , he deserves it and suddenly the semi-circle is clapping and looking at me : ‘ She 's won , she 's a-a-a won , ’ I hear John shout from half-way up the stalls , and my fellow contestants are slapping me on the back and pushing me to the front of the stage ,
2 The Chancellor and the Prime Minister are patting themselves on the back for the fact that they have managed to reduce British inflation rates to something like the German levels , but there is a difference between the two .
3 You 're breaking me on the rack of your virtue . ’
4 And we 're doing something on the character of the Christian , er I ca n't , obedience , , righteousness is one and I ca n't remember what the other is .
5 Well that thing 's pretty easy if you 're doing it on the beach but what if you 're out in the water and it suddenly gusts up .
6 Just by opting for a more left field occupation you 're putting yourself on the edge a bit It really does take a bit of bottle to do that and find your own way through the maze rather than just go with the flow .
7 Because of your health , pet , they 're putting us on the priority list , say we did n't ought to be below-ground , nor too high .
8 Essentially it mean that er the work is is more or less complete and therefore we are pricing it on the basis of the actual out turn of costs .
9 Well I erm I 'm basing it on the Tower Hamlets model .
10 Well , he said , I 'm putting them on the train and they 'll be in Valley on the seven o'clock train for you On Friday night this was .
11 I 'm laying it on the table .
12 The car 's manufacturers are taking it on the chin .
13 The car 's manufacturers are taking it on the chin .
14 Chubb has sold 47.5m Sun shares to brokers S G Warburg , Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs who are placing them on the market .
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