Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] [prep] the [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Law of Property Act 1925 s84 makes provision for application to the court in such a case to modify or discharge the restrictions , and now , under the Law of Property Act 1969 , similar powers are given to the Lands Tribunal on grounds that the restriction impedes a use of the land that would be reasonable .
2 Further details are given in the Directors Report on page 38 of the Report and Accounts .
3 Further details of all these ‘ creatures ’ are given in the Profiles section .
4 Details about the relaxed entrance requirements for candidates aged 21 or over are given in the admissions section of the prospectus but all such candidates should contact the faculty at an early date to obtain information about the subjects and grades they require to achieve for entry .
5 Firms are rationed in the goods market .
6 Frequently , companies adopt standard forms of Articles of Association which are prescribed under the Companies Act 1985 .
7 As for walks — well , Barry and Clive will help you find your feet ( so to speak ) : there are twelve which begin locally and are recommended by the Ramblers Association .
8 — More than 80 comments on the exhibition are included in the Arts Centre visitors ' book , of which around 45 were positive , around 25 negative including several asking for children to be kept out and the rest ambiguous .
9 Several advantages are claimed for the guide-lines approach , not least of which is the achievement of greater consistency in sentencing .
10 Today 's report is also concerned by the financial limbo to which 16 and 17-year-olds are confined by the benefits rules .
11 Usually horses are applauded into the winners enclosure .
12 Such experiences are summarized in the terms racism and sexism .
13 Although procedurally they are selected by the appointments secretary at Downing Street , in practice the Queen is asked for her informal approval before a nomination is made : the prime minister 's private secretary writes to the Queen 's private secretary saying ‘ the
14 The temperature at a pressure of 1 bar is taken as a reference point from which , using the adiabatic lapse-rates of the particular mix of materials at each depth and their equations of state ( section 2.1.4 ) , calculations are made of the temperatures pressures and densities at greater depths .
15 Any confession which is not tape-recorded is open to question as capable of fabrication and research conducted for the Commission has shown that most admissions/confessions are made outside the police station .
16 Others are made in the police car and elsewhere .
17 Postings to specialist courses are made by the Personnel Management Centre , for which recruits can apply to be nominated after one year in the service .
18 Yes er we 're going to the drugs squad Dave and I the launch of a new hotline which is where people can report dealers , a little bit sceptical about its success but we 've spent quite a lot on posters and business cards .
19 I 've heard about a cockatoo but you 're talking about the hens cockerels .
20 NEW premises are needed for the Beeches playgroup , Malpas .
21 When ejaculation occurs the contents of the epididymis , the stored spermatozoa , are ejected along the vas deferens into the urethra where other muscles pump them out through the urethral meatus .
22 12–12:30 is a little early for me — it 's my first time in london so i guess i will go for a sight-seeing or something … except to see me around 13:00–13:30. anyone know if the shops are open in newcastle on sunday ? we are going for the newcastle-scousers game .
23 He maintains that the main principles of these religions are symbolized by the terms Kingdom of God in Christianity and Nirvā a in Buddhism .
24 The physical world is composed of the elements , earth , fire , air and water which are characterized by the qualities hotness , coldness , dryness and wetness .
25 Both are based on the adidas heritage lines of the Lendl Comp and the Equipment Clay Court and include features which recently attracted British No. 1 Jo Durie , who recently signed a one year shoe contract with the company .
26 The requirements are based on the Companies Act 1985 , and the central register containing details will be available for inspection by all members .
27 Over four fifths , that 's two million , of these w of those who the wages c wages are protected by the Wages Councils are women and as there would seem no point in abolition unless the wages were gon na fall , then it is women who will suffer disproportionately , along with another vulnerable group , single parents .
28 Foreign currency transactions of individual companies are translated at the rates ruling when they occurred .
29 Foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities are translated at the rates ruling at the balance sheet dates .
30 In addition , the regulators of both the electricity and gas industries are examining with the industries scope for further funding of energy efficiency measures , funded in part under the price formula .
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