Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] [prep] a [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The fiscal argument is that welfare state benefits for the poor cost relatively less in the more affluent States , because they are drawing on a larger tax base ; the higher the average income in a State , the smaller the effort required to finance a programme at a given level of payments ( because presumably there will be both fewer recipients plus more rich people to tax than in States with low average incomes ) .
2 The similarity continues if people or animals are examined at a later stage .
3 A bewildering number of configurations are now available ( Sigma Instruments , 1972 ; Cassat , 1977 ) , but in this Chapter discussion is confined to the basic drive circuits and the potential benefits of more sophisticated drives are examined at a later stage ( Chapter 5 ) .
4 Most of these compositions , however , have a narrow scope ; they discuss issues of immediate concern to members of a particular occupation though sometimes they are addressed to a wider audience .
5 This means that the extra payments received for overtime beyond the scheduled week are earned at an earlier stage in large firms .
6 Postwar holiday consumption patterns in Britain indicate the rapid growth of package holidays in the 1950s , but the roots of this boom are located in an earlier period before the Second World War .
7 It is because of the concern expressed by my hon. Friend and others that the Government are committed to a further increase in the use of the ’ lane rental ’ method of procurement of motorway repairs .
8 We are committed to a saner transport policy including better public transport .
9 We are committed to a saner transport policy including better public transport .
10 We are committed to a saner transport policy including better public transport and this , as I mentioned , must ultimately benefit the majority of NFC employees .
11 This means ministers are wrangling for a bigger share of the cake .
12 Some instances of modern statutory liability are considered in a later section of this chapter but a more generalised revival of the Rylands v. Fletcher idea is proposed in two modern law reform proposals .
13 Would this lead to the principle of differentiation being accepted but used for different purposes , so that the goals of interest groups , rather than social welfare , dictate which commodities are taxed at a lower rate ?
14 The answer is that after mating they produce a tiny mobile larvae totally different to the adult this might drift for miles on ocean current before settling into the fixed adult form Down Norwick power station in North Wales , generates the electricity by pump storage , in off peak hours thousands of gallons of water are pumped from a lower lake to an upper lake , when the demand for electricity is high bowels are opened and water falls back through turbine to the lower lake again , this generates the power To ensure that the lower lake would never flood the was diverted through mile long tunnel in the mountain side , no one knew for certain how the salmon , the trout and even rarer that used to migrate up the old river would cope with the tunnels , pitch darkness and slow flowing water .
15 Even if the two lists are merged at a later date , the historical traditionally positive attitudes toward the European languages may continue to permeate the philosophy underlying the education system ( including the curriculum and examinations ) .
16 It means we 're starting from a better baseline than if we were simply dealing with health services budget and social work 's budget and what the voluntary sector has managed to pull together .
17 ‘ We expect opposition , ’ says dreadlocked troupe member Fox , ‘ because we 're dealing with a bigger picture than the odd jokes about West Indian parents .
18 This time they 're hoping for a happier ending .
19 Where an offer is made to shareholders and shares are sold at a higher price than the original offer , the compulsory bid is deemed to be revised , again ensuring that shareholders are treated equally .
20 Then it is difficult to get a lot/make a profit if you are selling to a smaller club .
21 ‘ We are preserved for a higher ending .
22 Calls are growing for a tougher stand against direct labour costs , which amount to about $15 billion a year .
23 but from this precise description we are drawn into a larger concept :
24 The outer points of the peltae are drawn to a greater height than are the central features , and terminate in a volute with tendrils .
25 We are benefiting from a flatter organisation , improved teamwork , better communication and a more versatile workforce .
26 Distinctive features of the sitter , his eyes and hands for example , are rendered with a greater degree of naturalism , and these , together with the stimuli provided by other details such as a button on M. Kahnweiler 's coat , a lock of hair , or the still life to the side of him , permit a reconstruction of the subject and his surroundings ; ( one of the New Caledonian sculptures owned by Picasso appears in a ghost-like form to the left of the sitter ) ; and these more realistic touches in turn forced the painter to restore or preserve the naturalistic proportions of the figure .
27 Erm the views of the er of the subcommittee are that that this does appear to be er perhaps a practical solution er and at the moment , er we are looking to erm make some of the spaces , certainly in the Church Street car park erm short term , I E two hours , certainly so the people who are who are making shopping visits , or visits to the banks et cetera would get the lower car park and the the people who are staying for a longer time would be at the top .
28 At 1ngml -1 BMP-2 , growth is slightly inhibited and hindlimbs are affected to a greater extent than forelimbs ( data not shown ) .
29 Both management and operatives are locked into a closer relationship , with both mutual benefits and disadvantages .
30 They are locked into a broader pattern of support which spans the three generations of parents and children , rather than existing on their own terms .
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