Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] [prep] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These are referred to as the first , second , third and fourth bond dissociation enthalpies respectively .
2 But these are official figures which do not include what are referred to as the hidden homeless — those sharing households and those living rough .
3 The aims of the legislation and the expectations of those responsible for it are referred to in the following passage :
4 Some languages quite openly exploit this belief : Janssen-Jurreit notes that in Konkani , a language of south India , there is a distinction between married women ( who are referred to by the feminine form ) and young or widowed women ( who get the neuter to mark their lesser status ) .
5 These are all the potential problems we are exposed to in the twentieth century .
6 Many of these aspects are looked at in the following chapters .
7 Fabrics are expensive , but they will last for years and give great pleasure provided they are looked after in the proper manner .
8 The bureaucracy certainly needs streamlining : the immigrants are met initially by the Absorption Ministry , but once in the country many of their needs are looked after by the Jewish Agency , the semi-private organisation that dates back to the early years of Jewish settlement in Palestine .
9 In Bangladesh children under the age of five or six are looked after by the whole family .
10 I am conducting research into the education provision and support for young people who are looked after by the local authority .
11 Of course while they may be imagining that they are bending my ear and creating a good impression , they are also providing me with the kind of evidence I am looking for about the gendered and generational aspects of this kind of racism .
12 What did they accuse him of in front of Pontius Pilate , that 's what we 're looking for in the Roman trial next to come .
13 erm it 's difficult to say , but erm again that 's something they 're looking at over the next couple of weeks , but perhaps along last year 's lines — they should n't really be any higher than last year .
14 at the present time we 're saying to on the monthly report we 're saying to the client , we 've spent three thousand out of five thousand , and their anticipated final cost is going to be five thousand .
15 The , one of the things that we carried forward to do with influencing , erm memories and attitudes , if you 're thinking about in the positive model , positive way , it 'd say going into an situation , I 've been here before , and I was successful .
16 but people chuck all this stuff at you and you , Ooh what 's going on ? now if you 're not very very sure of what you 're working with in the first place
17 ‘ The Black Sea at 24C in the summer is twice what belugas are used to in the Arctic .
18 But nearly all its distinctive features may be exhibited in a place where population and wealth are both growing , provided they are growing at about the same rate , and there is no scarcity of land : and provided also the methods of production and the conditions of trade change but little ; and above all , where the character of man himself is a constant quantity .
19 Well let's erm , they , they are going to on the same site .
20 Registered Designs are provided for by the Registered Designs Act 1949 , amended by the Copyright , Designs and Patents Act 1988 .
21 Tough titties are frowned upon in the Far East , so skimpy dressers must take care of unwanted hard-ons with these elastoplast imitators .
22 MAS services are dealt with under the following broad headings in this guide :
23 These matters are dealt with through the usual channels , ’ he added .
24 Aches and pains come under attack and niggling doubts are dealt with as the soft tissues , muscles , ligaments and joints of the body are worked on .
25 His aim was to determine whether single letters are dealt with by the right hemisphere in a visual or a phonological code .
26 Most building disputes which go to litigation are dealt with by the Official Referee .
27 Such disputes are dealt with by the civil law and in the civil courts .
28 Basic genetic analysis and chromosome theory are dealt with in the first year , while biochemical , molecular and physiological aspects of gene action are emphasised in the second year .
29 They are dealt with in the criminal courts .
30 The political leadership within this cultural area assumed by the Franks , the alliance of their kings with the popes , and the achievement of Western Christianity under this leadership are dealt with in the next chapter .
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