Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] [prep] [art] [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Many thousands of stories , large and small , and even feature material are placed with no more than a press release in mail or some short telephone contact , and even PRO 's who work regularly with their own trade publications may , because of the distance between their offices and those of the publication , never have met the editors .
2 There should be a certain lusciousness about the style imparted to a blend by top quality Pinot Noir grapes , although this can be marred by an earthy taste if the vines are grown in a less than favourable site .
3 The materials illustrated in the appendix to this chapter are offered as no more than an example .
4 Parents are going through the same or worse .
5 They stressed UNLU 's moderate demands , calling for a two state solution , mutual recognition , direct Israeli-PLO negotiations , concluding ‘ the Palestinians are calling for no more than peace with a reasonable measure of justice . ’
6 In some passerine species it even justifies slightly larger clutches than are found in the same or closely related species of lower latitudes ( Ricklefs , 1980 ) .
7 Consequently very different prices can be and are charged for the same or similar things .
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