Example sentences of "the [noun] to rights " in BNC.

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1 The alternative , as he saw it , was that the Americans would take over the Empire , while Britain exhausted herself trying to set the continent to rights .
2 Later , as , with Agnes Diggory 's aid , she set about putting the dressing-room to rights , a new determination began to burgeon in her breast .
3 Iris 's proteges had consumed their coffee and nut biscuits and departed , leaving the two of them to put the sitting-room to rights .
4 Bankers like to see governments breaking their election promises because this proves that they are in earnest in their attempts to put the economy to rights .
5 By eight-thirty , after putting the army to rights , and warming ourselves on one cup of tea after another , we were too cold to stay up .
6 COMMENT the editor sets the world to rights
7 More recently Lou has cleaned up his act and started setting the world to rights .
8 ‘ No thanks , old man , ’ said Donald , ‘ we 're setting the world to rights here . ’
9 I dropped in on long sessions of talk , putting the world to rights — after all that was supposed to be one of the main aspects of college education was n't it ?
10 There are certain bars where artists and writers are always to be seen , talking animatedly as they set the world to rights .
11 ‘ Too busy putting the world to rights , ’ said his brother .
12 Amy cast herself as The Maid and proceeded to rush around the house performing errands and putting the world to rights .
13 Although , despite her principles and her ingrained reluctance to compromise , she could not suppress a pang of gratitude even now — as she dished up her broth and herb dumplings for the candidate — that an attack of the low fever , caught as usual from terrible , tormented Mrs Rattrie who , this time , had died of it , had kept Luke in bed during that wild week last summer when the plugs had been drawn from Braithwaite 's boiler and all Luke 's brave young friends who had got into the habit of gathering to smoke their pipes and set the world to rights of an evening in her hen-run , had gone marching off to join their " brothers ' from across the Pennines .
14 Behind her Rune remained silent , his presence oppressive as if he were some Superman radiating a special kind of beam which could put the world to rights if only one believed in it .
15 He wanted to put the world to rights .
16 That straightness of Time , that confining straightness , was one with the Western picture of setting the world to rights .
17 A smashing day for sitting around with your favourite folk swapping stories and generally setting the world to rights .
18 En route the 41 club exchanges news and views and puts the world to rights once a day before we take our individual paths into the isolation of a busy office .
19 ‘ Like move some mouth with Elvis , top your other self , wring the truth out of Crawford , get back your dame and generally put the world to rights .
20 We were drinking out of glass tumblers with British Rail logos on and generally chewing the fat and putting the world to rights .
21 But as it was Dod , I took my fifty quid and free ploughman 's lunches ( not that Canning Town 's seen a ploughman since Shakespeare packed 'em in over at the Globe in Southwark ) and we humped boxes and sat in traffic jams and set the world to rights .
22 Anyway that 's got that 's put the world to rights has n't it ?
23 ‘ I imagine art school is a place where you sit up all hours putting the world to rights ? ’
24 We 've put the world to rights
25 Oh it 's not a case of putting the world to rights I 'm looking for this bacon
26 ‘ You 've said yourself , ’ continued Nelly , in cooing tones , ‘ how nice I cook , and keep the house to rights .
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