Example sentences of "the [noun] to schools " in BNC.

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1 We 've devolved the money to schools , but they 've got to spend most of it back with the council here .
2 In short , ILEA , no doubt like the vast majority of LEAs , had some sensible ideas about a broad and balanced curriculum , but delegated the responsibility to schools and had developed no systematic means of monitoring school curriculum policies and practice or of taking action where schools deviate from the LEA approach to the curriculum .
3 The absurdity of the universities ' power to dictate the curriculum to schools catering for children , 90 per cent of whom were not proceeding to university , was manifest .
4 Local Management of Schools also entails the delegation to schools of various powers over pay and conditions .
5 Of course , well you could stay in bed all day on Friday And I could take the kids to schools and go back
6 The context of pupil-led formula funding and the charging to schools of actual salary costs , could put governors in a situation where they are deciding to appoint and/or promote only younger and hence ‘ cheaper ’ teachers .
7 Another reform that gave schools an incentive to save money was the passing to schools of control over their own budgets .
8 The message to schools is stark and simple : if you can not persuade sufficient parents to exercise their freer choice by selecting your school , your allocation of resources will be less than your competitors ' .
9 Despite the restriction of the survey to schools which had been scheduled at least to have made a start on the review , only four-fifths of the teachers included actually had .
10 When industry seems to be failing , the politically quick-witted can attribute much of the problem to schools and their inability to prepare children adequately for the world of work .
11 The formula must apply a consistent set of criteria for the allocation of the ASB to schools .
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