Example sentences of "[Wh det] [modal v] [be] made [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The rules of court contain a table which lists the various applications which may be made under the Act and specifies who must be named as a respondent ( FPCR , Sched 2 ; FPR , Appendix 3 ) .
2 They may then be rolled onto a simple reel , which may be made from a 5 — gallon oil drum , and are ready for next year .
3 I am conscious that I speak in parable ; but all that vast organisation and provision which must be made for the old in the coming generation will bring disappointment unless the purpose at the heart of it is one that satisfies .
4 There is an optional excursion to Abu Simbel , reservations for which must be made at the time of booking your holiday .
5 However , in order to avoid frustrating the purpose of the order the court imposed conditions upon the use which might be made of the affidavits sworn in compliance with the order .
6 Accordingly , having regard to maintaining the doctor 's primary duty , a Family Practitioners ' Committee is entitled to impose conditions limiting the number of visits per 1,000 patients which might be made by the deputising service , so as to prevent excessive use being made of a deputising service .
7 A timely point and one which could be made into a test of this kind of narrative by which an author may be seen to have succeeded or failed to create the necessary suspension of disbelief .
8 This extraction should be by way of a dividend , not a buy-in of any of the parent company 's shares , as the latter would not be a dividend which could be made under a group income election and would be a part-disposal of the parent company 's shares for capital gains tax purposes .
9 As it turned out , the wide spread of professional competence present in the workshop made questions as to where individual expertise had been acquired recede in importance compared to the real advances in thinking which could be made through an immediate exchange of ideas .
10 While there are some aspects of the redraft where it might be argued that the law has not been accurately expressed , there is no doubt that both its language and typography suggest that there are considerable improvements which could be made to the present drafting and printing of statutes in the UK .
11 From amongst the numerous citations which could be made from the judgments and speeches in those cases , I am content to take the judgment of Byles J. in Cooper 's case , 14 C.B.N.S. 180 .
12 The addition of the individual awards which would be made in the course of the aju this judgement achieve the total figure of one million eight hundred and fourteen thousand six hundred and fifty two pounds and twenty eight pence .
13 Holywood , Lisnagarvey and Instonians will be anxiously awaiting news of the draw for the Tennent 's Irish Senior Cup semi-finals which will be made on the BBC Television programme ‘ Sportscene ’ , which begins at 7.30pm tonight .
14 All that remains now is for the draw , which will be made in the Rome Sports Palace late this afternoon , to avoid such minor irritations as Holland joining England in Sardinia , thereby doubling the security problem ; Scotland renewing hostilities with Uruguay , whom they have refused to meet in friendlies since the 1986 World Cup ; and Austria playing West Germany , which would revive memories of the cynical conspiracy in 1982 which froze Algeria out of the second phase .
15 Only when the agency is satisfied that they have a film which can be made for the money and will be allowed on air should it be shown to the client .
16 There are two types of response which can be made to the failure of company law to legitimate corporate managerial power .
17 One response which can be made to the gap which exists between the world in which Christianity came into being and the present world is to allow what is to be held to be essentially normative for the religion to reside in the past .
18 There are , however , a number of valid criticisms which can be made of the study .
19 ‘ In the nature of things most respondents applications for discovery in aid of restraint orders would be able to rely upon the privilege against self-incrimination and the fact that Parliament has made no special provision in this regard suggests that , in that context , restrictions upon the use which can be made of the information were accepted as being effective .
20 As well as publicizing the activities of the Library the Friends contribute money towards purchases over and above those which can be made from the College funds .
21 Two leaflets explaining walks which can be made from the stations have also been published , with help from the Sudbury and Marks Tey Rail Users ' Association , and a range of special family fare deals is to be introduced next month .
22 Both Britain and France found difficulty in obtaining sufficient volunteers for their fleets , partly because the wages they offered their sailors compared very poorly with what could be obtained by service on a merchantman , and still more so with what might be made on a successful privateer .
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