Example sentences of "[Wh det] [be] seen [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Leicester MP led a delegation representing BCCI victims in more than an hour of talks which are seen as a prelude to a meeting between MPs and Chancellor Norman Lamont on March 23 .
2 Although highly inventive and productive , this questionnaire can provide only explicit responses , rather than insight into actual practices , and , through processing , has created a normative characterization of the diverse social fractions involved , which are seen as an exemplars of a larger , statistically-based model of class .
3 But his account of natural philosophy , which rejects any inner mechanisms or real essences ‘ hid … behind the scenes ’ which would purport to explain ‘ those appearances which are seen on the theatre of the world ’ , is a clear example too .
4 Optimism about an economic upswing was clouded by signs of popular opposition to the government 's liberalization measures , some of which were seen as a prelude to job losses in the public sector .
5 Erm It all gets mixed up of course because there 's , there 's there 's erm erm Russia which is seen as a power , you know the reactionary power .
6 Societies are thus seen as made up of three interconnected structures , each of which is seen as a mode of production , transforming raw materials into commodities .
7 But above all Section 28 will affect the operation which is seen as the heart of library censorship : book selection .
8 In particular , in Spain , Italy and also Germany , there is much discussion about a Mediterranean CSCE ( Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe , better known as the Helsinki process ) a long-term institutionalised process of dialogue and negotiation about all the problems of the region , which is seen as an alternative to Hurd 's Gulf Co-operation Council .
9 To this list we might also add a sixth , media movement which is seen in the rise of the ‘ television church ’ through congregational sponsored televised services in the USA ( Olson 1979:133–142 ) .
10 It is yet another part of the cycle of fertility which is seen in The Waste Land as a torturing cage .
11 Geothermal power ( heat from rocks ) is a technology that is still undergoing research in this country and which is seen by the Government as an energy longshot .
12 It is at this point that the old Gotthard road and the railway line both cross to the west side of the valley while the modern motorway in galleries and tunnels cuts through the steep rock-flank of the massive Bristen , which was seen on the horizon earlier in the route .
13 Land reform as outlined in the Agrarian Reform Bill of nineteen fifty was to provide a vital step forward for China through the preservation of the rich peasant economy in order to pave the way for industrialization which was seen as a prerequisite for collectivization .
14 Suddenly before the altar a ‘ light shining from heaven , in the manner of a sunbeam ’ appeared , which was seen as a sign of divine approval of Stanford 's opposition to Edward II and the Pope , who had deposed him from the bishopric of Durham .
15 The impetus behind the NBA was the problem in Victorian times of widespread and severe price cutting in the retail book trade , which was seen as a threat to the viability of booksellers and publishers .
16 Vice-President Virgilio Godoy stated that the murder , which was seen as a setback for the attempt of President Violeta Barrios de Chamorro to promote national reconciliation , should not go unpunished and would have to be solved " even if this has to be done outside government institutions " .
17 The verdict followed a three-day jury trial in a civilian court which was seen as a test of the ability of the judicial system to end the effective immunity of the armed forces from human rights charges .
18 In the ancient goddess religions , snakes were the special companions of women , symbols of sexuality , linked through the shedding of their skins — which was seen as a form of rebirth — with women 's creative and reproductive powers .
19 Imprisonment for ordinary civil debt was abolished by statute in 1970 — another hundred years had had to pass since the enactment of the 1869 measure which was seen as the triumph of liberal attitudes over the centuries-long stand of the powerful trader lobby .
20 Thus the high-modernist building was able simultaneously to enshrine a notion of pure rationality in systems-building , pure formalism in its opposition to ornament , pure functionality which was seen as the basis of its aesthetic value , and pure style .
21 Saved by the financial straits of the crown from effective attack by the reforming bureaucrats of the later eighteenth century , the sheep-owners could not hope to defeat the pressure of the municipalities and local courts , when supported by opinion increasingly hostile to corporate privilege , which was seen as an impediment to economic development .
22 French intervention in Mexico , which was seen by the Americans as an affront to the Monroe Doctrine , coupled with the Emperor 's known sympathy with the Confederacy during the Civil War , had served to reinforce American prejudice against the Empire and all its works .
23 What are seen by the public as the most depraved of men still have profound needs to express their sorrow even when , with the most damaged people , it seems to lie too deep for tears .
24 Is it what is on the glass , or what is on the glass plus what is seen through the glass , or just the glass itself ?
25 Another strong theme in the conference is what is seen as a threat posed to the traditional newsagent .
26 The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) has published a report on the environment , in what is seen as a response to environmentalist criticisms of the organization 's emphasis on free trade [ see SAFE report , below , and also EDs 51 , 52 and 55 ] in the run-up to final negotiations in the current " Uruguay round " of trade talks .
27 In what is seen as a test case , Mr Justice Chadwick ruled that Oldham Borough Council had no power to sell the 22-acre Clayton playing fields , bequeathed to the town for sport by a local benefactor .
28 In this context being ‘ wet ’ embraces what is seen as an insufficiency of robustness in outlook ; a suspicion that overmuch interest is being directed towards the treatment of the convicted offender at the expense of the plight of the victim ; and a distaste for the infliction of physical forms of punishment .
29 This , in turn , was part of what was seen at the time as the natural extension of scientific and technological principles from their successful application to the material and animal world to apply to human beings themselves .
30 The policy of " resource security of major new industrial wood processing projects " was introduced under Prime Minister Bob Hawke in 1991 , in what was seen as a response to pressure from the timber industry and an impending general election .
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