Example sentences of "[Wh det] [be] [adv] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 It is assumed that social values , which are also placed on a single linear dimension , might be assigned to each variant .
2 One of the major disadvantages of MRI in the chest is the inability to visualise the lungs , which are simply seen as a signal void .
3 General courses have so far been defined in mainly negative terms , as ones which are neither geared to a specific external profession or occupation nor provide a specialized preparation for postgraduate research and , implicitly , an academic career .
4 But its uniqueness , its disturbing habit of making immediate and concrete things which are best revered from a distance has laid it open to charges of ‘ magic ’ or ‘ blasphemy ’ or ‘ sacrilege ’ or ‘ obscenity ’ .
5 More concretely , those areas of company law which are best viewed as a response to the problem of the legitimacy of corporate managerial power will be examined .
6 There are some published lists of subject headings which are plainly intended for a special purpose .
7 The resulting competition probably causes the animals to occupy small but adequate territories which are vigorously defended by a monogamous pair .
8 We should take care to distinguish between instances of the definite article which are textually determined by a previous mention and those which are determined by assumptions about the schemata of the receiver .
9 One concerns the domains of independence which are most cherished by a particular person .
10 In order to achieve this , SPRs ( which are normally received from a user in paper form ) are entered in summary form into LIFESPAN .
11 Some foods which are normally eaten on a plate , such as scrambled eggs , are best eaten from a cup or bowl and spooned up .
12 The stereo system is available as an option on RSi and RN versions , which are normally fitted with a 4-speaker radio cassette stereo system .
13 A package which is to be submitted for approval/has already been submitted for approval includes modules which are not listed on a corresponding Design Change ( DC ) .
14 The jaws are armed with blunt papillae which are not arranged in a regular series .
15 In this case the seller will probably require some statement of the efforts that the acquirer will take to collect the debts , provision for unallocated payments received from debtors to be attributed first to pre-completion obligations , and a right to take over the enforcement of debts which are not collected within a period of , say , six months .
16 To mimic this , we should have to speed up our stroboscope so that its flashes came twice as fast as the cycles of mains electricity , which are not noticed in a fluorescent strip light .
17 In this context , if there exist differences in the unit cost and therefore the competitiveness of nations which are not connected in a customs or monetary union , then attempts to eliminate such differences ( reflected in associated balance of payments positions ) can potentially be made via trade restrictions or movements in relative exchange rates , although the effectiveness of the latter policy is by no means certain .
18 For a start , novice pilots should have some experience of aerotowing in single-seaters before converting to types which are not fitted with a nose hook , and gliders intended for inexperienced pilots should always be manufactured with a nose hook for aerotowing .
19 And still others have had the good fortune to find a role in those sectors of the joint venture free market which are not stuttering as a result of the policy paralysis .
20 With reference to old people of over 75 , who are here our main concern , there is a further aspect of ageist stereotyping which is prevalent and regrettable ; that is , the tendency to make negative assumptions about the capacities of individual old people which are not based on a proper appraisal of their state .
21 In order to ensure uniformity in all the member states , it must be recognised that the concept of ‘ matters relating to tort , delict and quasi-delict ’ covers all actions which seek to establish the liability of a defendant and which are not related to a ‘ contract ’ within the meaning of article 5(1) .
22 It must therefore be stated in reply to the first part of the second question that the term ‘ matters relating to tort , delict or quasi-delict ’ within the meaning of article 5(3) of the Convention must be regarded as an independent concept covering all actions which seek to establish the liability of a defendant and which are not related to a ‘ contract ’ within the meaning of article 5(1) .
23 those which are not directed at a specific military objective ;
24 Any other general suggestions which are n't linked to a specific procedure that we 're gon na review ?
25 Its population is also growing and bucking the demographic trends , which are already resulting in a scarcity of young people in the rest of the country .
26 The world relies for much of its weather data on a network of satellites , which are either stationed in a fixed position above the equator or which travel over the poles to scan the globe .
27 And the principal problem facing them today is the replacement of genuine and much-loved historical features by bogus ‘ period ’ fittings — which are invariably couched in a vaguely ‘ Victorian ’ or ‘ Edwardian ’ sham-historical style .
28 This is published in parts which are subsequently bound into a volume for the year .
29 The present exhibition differs in that it takes a thematic approach , organising the material around six key subjects which are further examined in a series of essays in the accompanying catalogue .
30 After reaching this stage there are still opportunities for movement from small houses to large houses and on to Travel Inns which are often attached to a Beefeater Restaurant .
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