Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] him a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hayling is a man of considerable and obvious intelligence , with dishy looks and great charm which made him a favourite with some of the women comrades .
2 He was a tyrant , a bully , and he 'd stolen her things — which made him a thief into the bargain !
3 The distinctive thing about him which made him a legend in his lifetime and made his biography one of the Methodist best sellers of the century , was an immediate apprehension of the divine glory which issued naturally in leaping , dancing , and cheerful controversy with the world .
4 He had also been identified as one of those who had guarded the hostages after the TWA 747 hijack in June of that year , which made him an accomplice in the murder of US Navy diver , Robert Stetham .
5 Given a DC identifier and LIFESPAN username , the procedure PI_VIEW_DC_ASSESSMENT will request the assessment information ( assessor 's comments and the list of modules which make him an assessor for this DC ) .
6 This option enables you to view a Design Change ( DC ) assessor 's comment and the list of modules which make him an assessor for this DC .
7 Dulles on 12 December 1957 went as far as to describe France as " a very weak partner indeed " and one which caused him a lot of anxiety .
8 Casting enables him to ask all sorts of personal questions , which give him an insight into the kind of life that young , beautiful French actresses live .
9 ‘ For Mr Hubbard its a hobby which costs him a lot of money .
10 CHRIS PICKERING , of Aintree who is now nearly 80 recalls a dockside incident which taught him a lesson in diplomacy !
11 But he inspired awe not only because of his military resources , but also because of his lavishly spent wealth , his splendid building projects , the perception of his learning , the magnetism of his personality which brought him a following of other ecclesiastics .
12 Nothing is known of his early life except that his background was in the building trades — in 1724 he was described as a bricklayer , and later as a carpenter — but by the mid-1720s he had established two connections which brought him a place amongst the innermost circles of English Palladianism .
13 It was a win which brought him a prize of £79,000 and a place in the lucrative Johnnie Walker World Championship in Jamaica in December .
14 He also headed a number of Courtaulds ' textile businesses at different times but it was mainly his knowledge of viscose which earned him a reputation as a leading world authority on the fibre .
15 ‘ There go the 1970s , ’ commented Hargreaves , ‘ there go the drinking seventies , ’ a comment which earned him a slap in the eye from Giles 's girlfriend Venetia : ‘ Drunkard yourself ! ’ she shouted , ‘ drunkard yourself ! ’
16 Indeed , as we shall see , Gregory VII rebuked his too active agent Hugh , now archbishop of Lyons , for his officious energy in harrying the king of England to carry out papal decrees , without regard to the king 's virtues which earned him a claim to forbearance .
17 He persuaded Indian princes to fund the East India Association ( 1866 ) which gave him a platform for his campaign to open the Indian Civil Service to Indians and for publicizing his ‘ drain theory ’ , which presented British rule as a drain on the financial resources of India .
18 It was simply their headquarters where they came to trade , where they came to er perhaps attend law courts but particularly where the prior of came when he came to do services at the Minster because he was a canon of York as well as being canon or the parish of Bramham which gave him a seat in the Cathedral .
19 It was the experimental air fields which gave him a taste for exploring ideas which he later satisfied by joining a university ; it was the German language which brought him his wife Mary ( they met through a German class in Bristol ) .
20 John from Burton on Trent takes a size 21 , which won him a place in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of Britain 's biggest feet .
21 As the PR officer in charge of internal affairs , he launched an eight-time-a-year publication for employees , called Profile , which won him an Editing for Industry Certificate of Merit as a solo editor .
22 He has a special property in the goods , which gives him a lien over the goods until the whole of the price is paid or tendered .
23 A student of mine in a Spenser class which read A Present View suggested it seemed peculiar to be reading a piece by an author commonly hailed as one of the great writers of the English Renaissance putting forward views which makes him a type of war criminal within a twentieth-century perspective .
24 He possesses the Spirit of God 's Son , which makes him a son of God , and enables him to utter the family cry to God as ‘ Abba ’ .
25 One particularly interesting example is Kleinig 's conception of consent as ‘ an act in which one person tends to facilitate the initiative of another ’ in a manner which makes him a participant in that initiative who shares responsibility for it .
26 In the case of the discretionary sentence there is always a notional equivalent determinate sentence which could be imposed in accord with established sentencing practice but for the current mental state of the defendant which makes him a danger to the public .
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