Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] in the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Yemen , seismic activity has commenced in our Hood block which lies in the same province as the oil fields recently discovered in the adjacent Masila area .
2 Average January temperatures are below freezing point , even as far south as Bitola , which lies in the same latitude as Naples .
3 I have a deep respect for Cranham Baptist Church which meets in the same street as the Community Church .
4 Darren explained : ‘ They have graphite shafts which react in the same way as steel , but when you strike the ball they absorb the vibration .
5 But P. C. Hardwick 's Great Western Royal Hotel , which opened in the same year to provide the frontage to Paddington Station , was perhaps the earliest major building in Britain to show marked French Renaissance influence .
6 Figure 5 is another little collection from my trophy room , all of which developed in the same kind of way .
7 It is therefore ironic that the report which it unreservedly endorses and which appears in the same issue should perpetuate the thinking I seek here to expose as muddled and erroneous .
8 Siple , Brewer and Caccamise ( 1980 ) present results which point in the same direction .
9 It was not for that generation to complain if the inhabitants of India and of the dependent colonies took them at their word , albeit a mistaken word : the myth of an Empire exploited by the United Kingdom was a plant which grew in the same soil as the myth of an Empire that alone secured ‘ adequate prosperity ’ to the forty or fifty million inhabitants of the United Kingdom .
10 Rich , published in Economic History Review 2nd series ii ( 1950 ) ; ‘ English Country Towns in the 1520s ’ by J.C.K. Cornwall , which appeared in the same publication , 2nd series xv ( 1962 ) ; ‘ English Provincial Towns in the Sixteenth Century ’ by W.G. Hoskins , which appeared as a chapter in his book Provincial England ( 1963 ) ; and ‘ The Village Population in the Tudor Lay Subsidy Rolls ‘ by S.A. Payton , in English Historical Review xxx ( 1915 ) .
11 Printing plays in a cheap , unbound , quarto format indicates that the drama was commonly perceived as on the same standing as almanacs , joke books , pamphlets , and other popular writing which appeared in the same form .
12 Is the European market likely to become a genuine market which operates in the same way as the USA , and therefore give Europe the basic strengths of a vast internal demand ?
13 The zoned method of operation has also been utilised in the ‘ intermediate zoned system ’ , which operates in the same way as the detector-operated zoned system , but depends upon the secondary detector at the valve for its operation , the line detector being omitted .
14 which operates in the same way
15 These openings , some of which occur in the same place year after year , are often of great biological importance , allowing light to penetrate , phytoplankton to bloom , and whales , seals and seabirds to survive when the rest of the sea remains covered .
16 These are mainly for tin but also for zinc , lead and silver which occur in the same veins , and for wolfram and tungsten , which are used in making special steels .
17 Some wall anchors are corrosion-resistant , and through bolts are available which work in the same way as frame plugs .
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