Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] they [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The central position which the Communists occupied in these campaigns was a result of their international connections , which made them appear as the principal opponents of Fascism .
2 But because these interests in land were protected by personal and not by the real actions , they developed a set of legal characteristics which caused them to differ from the interests classed as real property .
3 The nuns led them through a series of exercises which encouraged them to think about the good in themselves , and to know that God , in His love for them , has forgiven their sins .
4 Rick James and Alison Gower also recorded a win in the 6–2 result which sees them clear of the relegation zone .
5 But some , such as the Portuguese man-of-war ( Physalia ) and the velella , have sacs full of gas , which enable them to float on the surface , trailing their poisonous tentacles to catch fish that come to browse in the surface water .
6 They will not eat clover , which means they contribute to the fertility of the pasture without detracting from it .
7 In their analyses of the understanding " displays " of next turns , Cameron and Taylor argue , the conversation analysts fail to follow their own prescriptions , which require them to look to the participants ' analysis displayed in the next turn .
8 ‘ A ’ level entrants to the financial services industry are able to take advantage of the Pre-Associateship Route , introduced in 1991 , which enables them to progress to the Associateship examinations after completing a foundation programme of four Banking Certificate subjects :
9 All four species live in the surf zone of the lake and have a reduced swim-bladder which enables them to cope with the rapid water movement .
10 It is the life force within us that is the cause of that denial , which makes it impossible for the healthy to imagine a time when it will have faded , which makes them tremble at the thought that , were voluntary euthanasia ever legalized , abuse would inevitably follow , and when they became old and ill , they would be at risk of being put away .
11 We should shortly know who the new owners of Showerings are and what plans they have for the company .
12 That 's what keeps them fighting in the hills . ’
13 So here we are , the children of the revolution , what do they think of the world , of the Scotland that they live in ?
14 What do they think of the flats , do they ever say much ?
15 What do they think of the latest wave of censorship , particularly the Judas Priest case and the hunt for ‘ backward masked ’ massages ?
16 What do they think of the latest wave of censorship , particularly the Judas Priest case and the hunt for ‘ backward masked ’ massages ?
17 What do they think of the service they receive ?
18 How and why have these changes occurred , and what do they suggest about the nature of the relation between ‘ feeling at home ’ and the wider world beyond ?
19 What do they mean by the interior angle ?
20 In the future , I ca n't see E the only one I can see is , What do they do with the flats when they empty .
21 And what do they do with the money as well I 'd like to know .
22 Noah 's Ark , that 's good , what do they do with the animals they ca n't make them out of
23 What do they do at the shareholders meeting ?
24 They 've got their fall-out shelters under moulded hills , their neutral army , their numbered bank accounts — what do they want with the European butter market and Albanian refugees hanging from boats ?
25 What is one to make of Party-military relations in this period , and what do they imply for the present ?
26 What do they indicate about the defence of the old city and about the trade of the old port ?
27 What do they indicate about the probable reliability of the document ?
28 What do they conceal from the world , this honeysuckle and this beard ?
29 What do they see as the advantages when they want to expand their manufacturing ?
30 What do they know about the giant ?
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