Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] i at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I then did a series of films with Robert de Vicenzo , big money in those days , which convinced me at the time that Roberto would win the 1967 Open .
2 What worries me at the moment about the proposals is that there is discrimination not only against the United Kingdom but against Europe in the way in which the Commission is carrying out the negotiations with the United States .
3 ‘ Money is my motivation , but what keeps me at the top is that I 'm petrified of losing .
4 What interested me at the time was whether the ‘ naturally ’ weak non-metallic crystals could be made strong too .
5 What struck me at the time about the " battle " between Bennett and Slessor was that Bennett acted as an agent for his C-in-C as well as in his , own personal interest .
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