Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [vb pp] in [art] [num] " in BNC.

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1 In order to decide what to include in the questionnaire we drew first of all on issues which had emerged in the two case studies .
2 Kissinger even hoped to make 1973 the ‘ Year of Europe ’ in which the Atlantic alliance could be restored to full health , ending the distrust between America and Europe which had developed in the 1960s .
3 Sheila Cunningham , of Norfolk North , said the present system was unfair and perpetuated the elective dictatorship which had developed in the 1980s .
4 It was reported in February 1990 that victims of nuclear testing in the islands , which had ended in the 1950s , would receive $45,000,000 in compensation from the USA .
5 When I won an essay competition in 1957 on " Why I was proud to be a citizen of Leeds " , organised by the Variety Club of Great Britain and the local evening paper , the big event in my London visit was not Buckingham Palace , nor having Norman Wisdom put his arm round me , but gazing at a skiffle group which had played in the 21's coffee bar with Tommy Steele .
6 The PPP called for an independent inquiry to clear the damage to its reputation caused by assertions that the hijackers were members of Al Zulfiqar , an armed resistance group with PPP connections which had operated in the 1980s and was involved in a hijacking in 1981 [ see pp. 31071-72 ] .
7 A special commission of the Bulgarian government uncovered the existence of concentration camps which had operated in the 1950s and 1960s in which some prisoners were tortured and killed .
8 For some sections of the labour force , prosperous years which had begun in the 1780s continued at least for the first part of the war .
9 The stock market crisis was attributed in large measure to the high level of non-viable corporate debts , which in turn resulted from a steep decline in Japan 's high property prices , and the resulting exposure of companies which had over-borrowed in the 1980s .
10 That report voted best piece of research in the 1991 Extel survey of institutional investors — was inspired , Mr Smith says , by the belief that ‘ much of the apparent growth in profits which had occurred in the 1980s was the result of accounting sleight of hand rather than genuine economic growth ’ .
11 Whatever else , it is clear that a modernist representation would not accurately capture the organizational patterns of contemporary Japanese organization , which have served in the 1980s as if they were a very beacon of postmodernity , given the role that various representations of them have played in recent debates .
12 This project investigates the effects of takeovers and mergers which have occurred in the ten year period from 1975 .
13 Having thus briefly examined the background against which the enormous post-war growth in higher education has taken place , we will now examine in detail those developments which have occurred in the three years that have elapsed since the first edition of this book appeared in 1979 .
14 So what has happened in the three decades that have passed ?
15 Memories of what had happened in the 1290s , when John Balliol was a vassal king and Edward I intervened all too directly in Scottish affairs , produced a careful spelling-out of the Scottish position .
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