Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We 've also held a conference of a more general kind on the situation of refugees in the United Kingdom , in which a report was produced , that particularly highlighted the legal situation of the refugees , that had quite an impact among international organizations like United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees , which has served as basis for a number of proposals to change the present legal regime of refugees in the UK .
2 In the light of the serious situation which has arisen in relation to the Maxwell case , will my right hon. Friend take a good look at the pension funds of ABG Research , which is about to be wound up ?
3 For Crohn 's disease , which has increased in frequency during the past 20–30 years , an additional three classes were defined for dead subjects based on their age and year of death ( table II ) .
4 Maladministration is not defined , but it is usually taken to mean administrative action ( or inaction ) which has led to unfairness to a member of the public .
5 ONE railway which has progressed from strength to strength is the ‘ Coal Yard Branch Line ’ at Kidderminster Town Station on the Severn Valley Railway .
6 Last night , Stephen Eades of Southport-based environmental group Save our Shoreline , which has campaigned for protection of nature amid Hamilton Oil 's exploration , said : ‘ We are concerned that the exploration does not disturb the environment and would rather these advances were in renewable energy sources . ’
7 His argument was based on personal opinion , feelings and intuition though it does have a loose connection to Carl Gustav Jung 's theory of racial memory , which has fallen into disuse in modern times .
8 President Quett Masire is expected to be nominated again as the presidential candidate of the Botswana Democratic Party , which has ruled since independence in 1966 .
9 But actually I mean the stretch all-in-one which has metamorphosed from underwear into the essential t-shirt .
10 Ultimately , the most a firm can do is , so far as practicable , utilise all the techniques outlined above , and hope that the courts will take a commercial view and hold that a firm which has acted in accordance with best practice is protected from liability .
11 Nor is the video industry , which has sprung into life in barely a decade , necessarily a sign of semi-literacy .
12 If the business has different sections or different sites , you should enquire whether all its employees have been considered for redundancy or whether your particular part of the operation is the only one which has come under scrutiny for cut-backs .
13 Another analogous body which has come into existence within the last year or so is the National Consultative Committee for Agriculture Education ( NCCAE ) .
14 The phrase ‘ a different voice ’ , which has come to sere as a popular and psychological shorthand for her conclusions , has important but ambivalent significances for psychology and feminism .
15 ( 2 ) No direction shall be made under this rule in proceedings which stand referred for arbitration under Ord 29 , r 2(3) .
16 In any event , in the court 's opinion , the submissions which counsel made in support of grounds of appeal 1 , 2 and 3 were misconceived .
17 She loved to move her money around , a process which had suffered from acceleration since the stock market collapse of the autumn of 1987 .
18 The cancellation served to block the probable overall electoral victory of the Islamic Salvation Front ( FIS ) , which had emerged as winner in the first round of voting on Dec. 26 .
19 Groen Links ( Green Left , Ria Beckers l. , formed 1991 with the dissolution of the Radical Political Party , the Pacifist Socialist Party , the Communist Party of the Netherlands [ see also below ] and the Evangelical People 's Party , which had campaigned in alliance in the last general election ) ; Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij ( SGP — Political Reformed Party , Bas van der Vlies parliamentary l . ) ;
20 As she rose , her eyes , which had flicked from side to side , looked him in the face for the first time .
21 Rising expectations of a successful conclusion of peace talks between the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola-Workers ' Party ( MPLA-PT ) government and the United States-backed National Union for Total Independence of Angola ( UNITA ) were realized on May 1 , when a ceasefire was agreed and a peace agreement initialled [ see also page 38133 ] to end a civil war which had raged since independence from Portugal in 1975 .
22 But underlying all these was the fact that the power of the Polish monarchy had evaporated since its elective character ( which had existed in theory since the 1430s ) had become finally established in practice from the 1570s onwards .
23 In a general election in June 1989 [ see pp. 36739-40 ] the Christian Social Party ( PCS ) and the Socialists , which had governed in coalition since June 1984 [ see p. 33298 ] , were returned to power .
24 The last general election was in June 1989 when the Christian Social Party and the Socialists , which had governed in coalition since July 1984 , were returned to power [ see pp. 36739-40 ] .
25 Gen. Dharsono , a former Secretary-General of the Association of South-East Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) , was an associate , but not a signatory , of the " Petition of 50 " movement of dissidents which had risen to prominence in 1984 with the publication of a " Save Democracy " pamphlet [ see pp. 33286-87 ] .
26 The ULFA , a Maoist group which had risen to prominence in 1990 , controlled large tracts of upper Assam and had carried out a series of assassinations , kidnappings and bomb attacks .
27 The decision , which dealt a heavy blow to political patronage , followed rulings by the Court in 1976 and 1980 which had ruled against patronage in the sphere of job dismissals .
28 A report on Sept. 20 announced the formation of a right-wing Coalition for the Republic ( KdR ) led by former Prime Minister Jan Olszewski , former Defence Ministers Jan Parys and Romuald Szeremietiew , and former Interior Minister Antoni Macierewicz , members of the previous government which had fallen amid scandal over the exposure of alleged communist collaborators [ see p. 38972 ] .
29 Albania , which had applied for membership in the IMF and the Bank in January 1991 , was admitted as the 156th member of each organization on the opening day of the plenary meetings on Oct. 15 .
30 This is not just legal nicety — Highlander has in the past been the victim of terrorist attacks , a fact which had led to difficulty in enabling Highlander to obtain a satisfactory insurance cover on the property .
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