Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 However , where the vessel constitutes an instrument for pursuing an economic activity which involves a fixed establishment in the member state concerned , the registration of that vessel can not be dissociated from the exercise of the freedom of establishment .
2 One important implication of this view of the state is that injustice can not be removed by reform , only by a revolution , and one which involves a radical change in the system , property rights , the content of education , the family , the fiscal system and so on .
3 Why are we so ready to treat as a minor operation an alteration which involves a major transformation in the cat 's lifestyle and personality ?
4 But a majority of Community governments , particularly among the poorer countries , will insist on a much broader definition of economic union and one which involves a huge increase in resources for the less productive and competitive regions of the EC .
5 For example , it is arguable that the qualitative change which engendered an environmental movement in the early 1960s involved not so much the presence of environmental destruction as the fact that the new forms of pollution and disruption became much more difficult , if not impossible , to avoid .
6 The areas which display the greatest success in acquiring valuables are also those that first develop leadership by birth .
7 In studying these orders and the controversy they are involved in , the research will examine a process which represents a major development in the character of religious pluralism in this country .
8 However , it may also be noticed that the coordinate which represents the axial coordinate in the Schwarzschild solution covers the entire range in this case .
9 And , without waiting for a reply to his question about whether she gave Morton tacit approval for the book which became the biggest seller in the history of royal publishing , Philip went on to accuse his daughter-in-law of putting the dignity of the Crown at risk .
10 On May 6 , in addition to Tokelau which became an associate member in May 1991 , Puerto Rico became an associate member .
11 My father in his retirement has become a computer hobbyist , upgrading constantly , browsing through those 500-page magazines which sell the same computer in different boxes , assembled by underpaid and exploited single mothers in the Midlands .
12 The Nationalists held majorities on some local bodies which led the Unionist majority in the province to disband several councils and to withdraw the system of voting by proportional representation that had been introduced in 1919 .
13 The phase circuits are excited by the supply voltage , which produces the rated current in an excited phase when the motor is stationary , and the phase currents flow via the diode D , which is forward-biased by the supply voltage .
14 Code-named Ro31–8959 , it targets an enzyme in the Aids virus called proteinase , which plays a crucial role in the construction of the Aids virus in an infected cell by cutting up proteins into viral components .
15 If higher education is not an end , not an output , it may be worth looking at it as a process : a process which plays a crucial role in the creation and reproduction of gender difference .
16 Of particular concern to most of the members of the FFA was the effect of the drift-netters on the albacore tuna resource , which plays a major role in many Pacific economies .
17 Given our expertise in body language , which plays a large part in such intuitive forebodings , we ignore these warnings at our peril .
18 It is this style of thinking which plays a large part in producing symptoms of stress .
19 But the community did have a couple of heroes in the military sense when the Second World War came , both members of a family which plays a leading role in the modern legends of Baldersdale — the Fawcetts of West Birk Hatt
20 Nevertheless , these associations are articulated into a new pattern , and it is the vocal which plays an essential part in that process , in making the song a rock song .
21 Previously when bottlenecks arose in the benefit delivery system regional or local decisions had to be made that might affect implementation , now there is a central ‘ directorate ’ which is likely to be involved in the examination of policy feasibility and which plays an important part in determining how policy is implemented .
22 I was just thinking how this feels incredibly … atmospheric , ’ she heard herself admitting reluctantly , waving an arm to encompass the satiny darkness of the sea all around them , ‘ I was thinking of the ghosts of all those Spanish galleons which met a sticky end in these very waters , hundreds of years ago , ’ she added , with a touch of melodrama which made him laugh out loud .
23 This has also been a way of escaping from the serious clashes which historically have taken place between different Christian groups involved in education and which remain a distinct possibility in the multi-faith situation .
24 Nonetheless , it was the effort to recreate the American and Japanese air forces which remain the central saga in the story behind the filming of Tora !
25 Many of these were the overseas branches of US banks which made a healthy margin in acting as the go-betweens between the OPEC members , who wanted to lend dollars , and the countries with balance of payments deficits which wanted to borrow them .
26 Unfortunately , a number of LDCs ' governments squandered their funds on consumer goods imports and uneconomic projects which made no recognisable increase in their countries ' productive capacities .
27 The different budgets maintained by health and local authorities which made the desired shift in resources from health to social services difficult to organize .
28 There are two standard classes of A.I. algorithm which are guaranteed admissible : ( i ) breadth-first strategies which explore every possible path in pseudo-parallel , and ( ii ) A* type algorithms which try to take the score of the whole path into account .
29 These can be categorised as design but more often end up in local history museums or museums of childhood which occupy a lower status in the museum hierarchy .
30 As far as Humphreys is concerned , firms which occupy the high ground in executive search are not necessarily limited in the variety , volume or type of search work that can be undertaken ; for example , Tyzack 's recent work includes finding the chairman of London Transport , looking simultaneously for three chief executives for an international trading company in the Far East , Europe and the US ( none of whom was to earn less than US$450 000 ) , searching for the chairman of the Monopolies & Mergers Commission , tracking down the chief executive of a building society and the MD of a conglomerate which , during the search , was defending itself against likely take-over bids .
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