Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [pron] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even more extraordinary is the paucity of such information in the captions to the colour figures , which renders them of little use to the hobbyist .
2 The proposed council tax , which offers something to each lobby , is a slick political trick .
3 The nationalist movements and the new nations which made their appearance after the Second World War thus displayed features which distinguish them in some ways from the earlier movements which led to the formation of nation states in Western Europe , because they arose in a very different international context — in a highly developed capitalist world economy , in the aftermath of a division of the world among powerful imperialist nations , and in the midst of political transformations resulting from the growth of the socialist movement .
4 It also goes with the people he moves among , the ‘ circles ’ and ‘ sets ’ of The Possessed , many of whom are travellers too , and with the ‘ quintet ’ which he does n't belong to but is entangled with , which he tries to kick himself clear of , and which dumps him in that pond and leaves his cap behind .
5 Ward was due to take over the driving and at the end of it I slumped into the seat beside him in a happy daze which insulated me from all sense of reality .
6 The UK Committee on the Safety of Medicines regularly provides General Practitioners with questionnaires with which to inform it of any irregularities encountered in the use of new , but already licensed , drugs .
7 Rulfo 's oral style — which manifests itself in this novel and in the stories of The Burning Plain , in the frequent repetition of words and phrases , in a manner typical of the backtracking of oral narrative — is , of course , much more than a formal device , for its function is to take us inside the world of a rural peasantry whose cultural tradition is non-literate .
8 This is the case for the English king 's financial archives which provide us with much information on the sums collected , how they were spent , and the organisation which lay behind that expenditure .
9 Further , and in acknowledgment of his work as joint secretary of the Tutorial Classes Committee and for his duties in connection with the annual Cambridge Summer School Pateman also received a substantial honorarium which provided him with some security as his salary as District Secretary was not infrequently in arrears .
10 I know there are terrible things out there , but that is n't an excuse for giving up on that which sustains us in this life .
11 The essential characteristics of this primacy which distinguished it from such primacies as that of Hamburg or Lyons were , first , that it was centred in a monastic community , and second , that its roots and its authorization went back ( as Anselm was persuaded ) to its original constitution in the seventh century .
12 One of the circumstances which drove me to these experiments will be familiar to most home cooks .
13 There are chemical systems which mimic it in some ways .
14 Furthermore , there are particular reasons which impel me to that conclusion .
15 On the Sunday I met my parents and , courtesy of Jack , handed over sponsor 's tickets which allowed them into any part of the course and the clubhouse and also provided tickets for lunch .
16 Terrible neuralgic pains which troubled him throughout this period were the mirror of his inward distress , and the large doses of laudanum he took to relieve his symptoms , a portent for the future .
17 Using interviews with parents , and attendance figures from schools , the study documents how parents make difficult decisions which confront them in these circumstances , in particular whether or not to consult a doctor , and whether or not to keep the child off school .
18 The following case example is of a patient who was admitted to a psychiatric hospital because of reasons which placed her in both categories ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) .
19 My quizzing about the intellectual world which I was about to enter with some trepidation left him with a wry smile , which puzzled me for some time after , as my naïvety about the world of further education lasted well into my early days in college .
20 The common complaint that luxury extends itself even to the lowest ranks of the people , and that the labouring poor will not now be contented with the same food , clothing and lodging which satisfied them in former times , may convince us that it is not the money price of labour only , but its real recompense , which has been augmented .
21 That night he prayed devoutly that he might be upheld in the purity which he had so far , maintained , in spite of the temptations and evil example which encompassed him on all sides .
22 If one looks at these persons we agree are ‘ great ’ butlers , if one looks at , say , Mr Marshall or Mr Lane , it does seem to me that the factor which distinguishes them from those butlers who are merely extremely competent is most closely captured by this word ‘ dignity ’ .
23 John Pemberton was Palace 's genial and gutsy full-back throughout our promotion drive to Division one in 1988–89 and then in The Eagles ' progress to the FA Cup Final and Replay of' 1990 Indeed , his surging run in the semi-final against Liverpool at Villa Park , which took him past several defender s , before he delivered the cross from which Mark Bright put the Palace on terms and on the way to our stunning victory , will probably remain for ever in the memories of those who saw it , even though he impressed enormously in the two Cup Finals against Manchester United 's sophisticated and costly imports .
24 Perhaps his father had the kind of job which took him to many parts of the country , and possibly he took the boy with him , I do not know .
25 These cases have the very valuable result of getting a clear decision from the House of Lords , upheld in this respect by the European Court of Human Rights which took nothing from that decision , that such former members owe a lifelong duty of confidentiality .
26 Thus if the first purpose of a particular religion is to help people to a sense of the presence of God and express a response to God , then the study of the ritual which helps them towards this goal must constantly draw attention to this significance .
27 Gunn continues , describing the feelings which thrilled him in that time now past .
28 A short flight up was a landing and the stairs turned in on themselves to another short flight , which brought her to another corridor similar to the one downstairs but more than twice its length .
29 Its circulation had grown enormously as immigrants flooded into Tollemarche , and it had expanded into the shops which flanked it on either side .
30 One conclusion from these results is that a linear technique , which satisfies none of these design attributes , should not be used .
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