Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun] of [noun sg] you [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , as you rework the question into your first sentence you can begin to show that key terms in the question are problematic or vague , or you can suggest what kind of evidence you will draw on to discuss the question .
2 Chapter 2 aimed to let you learn some things about yourself and to discover what kind of area you might feel happiest and most fulfilled working in .
3 There 's no telling what kind of trouble you might get yourself into .
4 Can you remember what kind of paint you used ?
5 I have looked at your planet Uulaa , and I know what sorts of fun you would seek there .
6 What type of company/co-operative you should form .
7 So erm I I I 've got them in the back of of what type of strategy you should .
8 A word of warning : please consult your vet as to exactly what quantity of Eukanuba you should give your Rottweiler each day — it is very easy to put ON weight with Eukanuba if you are n't careful — and the instructions on the bag do suggest you allow your dog to take as much as he wished during the 24-hour period .
9 hundred a month erm have you any idea of what sort of budget you will be , be looking at ?
10 But basically I think most courses now , not sure there 's actually a legal requirement , I do n't think it is , but most of them want a at least a year 's sort of full time experience in erm , you know , d dealing with underprivileged people really and their problems and people who ca n't cope for one reason or another , and how er y you can er er sort of help them and what sort of relationship you can build with them and so on , and how
11 When you know what the job is and what sort of person you would like to employ your next step is to look in the ideal place for applicants of the right calibre .
12 Maybe British Rail should start to reserve seats according to what sort of conversation you would like to have .
13 Um so it 's a matter of um do you know yet really what sort of material you 'll be erm you 'll be using er
14 And so it would be most interesting to see what sort of patent you can come up with for policy , and and and and and and we 'll see just just how you 'll meet that .
15 Only then should you set about researching in order to fill your speech out , make it interesting , witty , or whatever style of speech you would like to make .
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