Example sentences of "[be] seen at the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There are essentially two processes at work , one to be seen at the western edge of the Pacific and the other towards the east .
2 The results of the thermographic survey can be seen at the following leisure centres : Maysfield Leisure Centre — September 1–
3 The consequences of these same changes can also be seen at the other end of the life course , in old age .
4 They will be unveiled in an exhibition which opens at London 's Whitechapel Art Gallery in the autumn ( 10 September-21 November ) and will be seen at the Metropolitan Museum , New York , before the end of this year ( 13 December-13 March 1994 ) .
5 Paolozzi 's new sculpture can be seen at the main entrance to The royal Bank of Scotland 's new administrative building , Drummond House , South Gyle , Edinburgh .
6 The Oriental collections are in southern Bohemia at Libéchov and the costume collection can be seen at the Kinský Summer House ( see p. 86 ) .
7 It is this aspect of military style that is well worth studying for the precision with which a battalion of soldiers makes patterns such as can be seen at the British ceremony of ‘ Trooping the Colour ’ .
8 There is little of substance to be seen at the head office and , therefore , only brief accompanied visits are envisaged .
9 Many features distinguish Wilson & Glick kitchens from others in a similar price bracket , making them exceptionally good value for money , as could be seen at the Ideal Home Exhibition which was even more successful ‘ the second time around ’ .
10 A similar air-war tracking table -with different symbols for British and German aircraft — can be seen at the Royal Observer Corps Museum in Winchester .
11 A talented photographer who contributed regularly to THE FACE , his work can be seen at the National Portrait Gallery , London , from Nov 8-Jan 20 .
12 It can be seen at the National Gallery from 22 November to 7 February 1993 , and at the Metropolitan Museum from 11 March to 23 May 1993 .
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