Example sentences of "[be] seen [subord] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He argues that there is no single causal explanation for Britain 's decline ; rather , it has to be seen as resulting from a convergence of pluralist stagnation , a decline of class , and a revolt against authority .
2 The first is that the act of self-poisoning may have been rewarding in so far as any subsequent positive changes could be seen as resulting from the act itself .
3 Second , that ‘ splits ’ within the psyche should be seen as resulting from the interference of patriarchal or male-dominated socialisation or conditioning .
4 The dramatic shake-ups during those periods do not suddenly appear out of nowhere but should be seen as resulting from the more gradual and less fundamental changes that had been occurring within the old structure 's context over previous decades .
5 The argument of this paper , therefore , is that language learning should be seen as resulting from an interaction between an organism pre-adapted to the learning task and an environment which , to varying degrees , facilitates that task by providing the evidence that the organism requires .
6 This impression of the object of have being represented as completely submissive to the will of the person referred to by the subject explains moreover the use of the bare infinitive with this verb : this exercise of control by the causer over the causee can be seen as persisting throughout the realization of the infinitive event .
7 Problems which may arise in any family are those which may be seen as related to the Oedipal situation — the sexual attachment which arises between parent and child and which is not always worked through adequately .
8 This can be seen as referring to the relationship between ‘ inputs ’ and ‘ outputs ’ when comparing the achievements of different groups of students and different institutions .
9 They could only accept evolution if it were a process that gave rise to regular , predictable developments in accordance with some preordained plan that could be seen as originating in the mind of God .
10 If individuals in the society ( except for those at the very top and the very bottom of the social ladder ) are socially mobile in each direction to some extent , then the " continuum " can be seen as consisting of a collection of individuals whose linguistic competences in intermediate varieties ( or " lects " ) overlap to form an unbroken chain linking the archetypal Creole ( or " basilect " ) with the Standard ( or " acrolect " ) .
11 At that time local authorities could be seen as acting in the interests of the majority — the phrase from the last paragraph of the 1978 extract from the Library Association record above ( omitted from the 1989 policy statement ) ‘ either on grounds of … a desire to ‘ protect ’ public morality' suggests so .
12 Such an outcome would place priorities on their head and , accordingly , the receiver should be seen as acting in the right of the debentureholder .
13 To summarise , the seemingly disordered nature of football hooliganism can be seen as conforming to a distinct and orderly system of roles , rules and shared meanings .
14 On the level of social meaning , the transition could be seen as associated with the move from a period dominated by the modernist critique of mass culture to the period of ‘ post-modernism ’ .
15 However , most drama activity should not be seen as leading to a polished end product ; even where this is the result , the most significant educational value of the activity will often have been found in the process that led to that end product .
16 The erudition acquired in his Oxford years was displayed in copious references to the medieval doctors , to the Church Fathers , and to Plato and Aristotle before them , in order to show that no infallible revelation could dispossess reason from her task of pursuing truth : not only must the Scriptures be interpreted in the light of reason , but the Old Testament must be seen as leading to the New by progressive revelation .
17 In the case of the Mathematical Association , many of the older school-based members will have constructed their careers in terms of existing definitions of school mathematics and [ … ] will have had an interest , all other things being equal , in resisting changes which might be seen as leading to the relative devaluation of their ‘ knowledge ’ .
18 This further implies that the product life-cycle should be seen as shown on the revised McKinsey-GE grid of figure 4.4 , rather than as running diagonally across the matrix from top left to bottom right , as figure 4.3 implies .
19 But social relations themselves can also be seen as structured in a symbolic way .
20 The former damage will be viewed as the result of ‘ destructive hooliganism ’ and dealt with accordingly , whilst the latter will be seen as arising from an excess of good-natured high spirits and over-enthusiasm .
21 All these levels may be seen as controlled by the relationship of the people involved in the discourse , which we may regard as the highest level .
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