Example sentences of "[be] made by the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 The application would be made by the Head of the Security Services to either the Minister of the Interior or the Minister of Defence .
2 Samuel Pipkin was tensing himself for the coming life and death struggle this evening , when the vital decision would be made by the Prince of Wales , and Mr Thackeray would be avenged .
3 If after the addition of the agent used , the pH is outside the limits 6–8 , then correction should be made by the addition of small amounts of alkali or acid at the same time as the flocculant. laboratory trials should always be made to ascertain the most effective dosing conditions for the water that is to be treated .
4 A decision that a local authority should take proceedings for libel , if the action were available at law , would probably be made by the majority of councillors in defence of the reputation of the council with reference to conduct for which that majority might be responsible ; and the proceedings would be conducted at the expense of the local taxpayers .
5 While it appears that the application to the Parole Board can only be made by the Secretary of State , he has no power to release a prisoner on licence until he receives the board 's recommendation to do so .
6 A further point was taken by Mr. Scrivener that the decisions referred to in the subsection can only be made by the Secretary of State personally and that he may not delegate or transfer the power to make the decision to a minister of state , as happened in the case of Mr. Pegg .
7 A final decision will be made by the Secretary of Commerce in June 1992 .
8 Whatever the outcome of the MMC investigation is , the final decision of whether to allow the merger to go ahead or not will be made by the Secretary of State .
9 To meet local authority funding requirements , applications for course places must be made by the end of May to John Walton , the Inset unit , University of Teesside , Borough Road , Middlesbrough , tel ( 0642 ) 342386 or 342392 .
10 He believed some movement in the case would be made by the end of this month .
11 Besides , to be demanded of a sponge , what replication should be made by the son of a king ?
12 The initial calculation of provisions to reduce stocks from cost to net realisable value may often be made by the use of formulae based on predetermined criteria .
13 ‘ For the purposes of this section a threat can not be made by the use of words alone . ’
14 A qualitative examination can be made by the evaporation of a specimen down to a small bulk and immersion in this residue at the boil of a small swatch of cotton , nylon , and polyester-fibre yarns .
15 Decisions on the use of nuclear weapons would be made by the President of the Russian Federation in consultation with the leaders of the other republics in which nuclear weapons were stationed — Ukraine , Byelarus and Kazakhstan — and with the leaders of other members of the CIS .
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