Example sentences of "[be] made to [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Becoming a couple takes time ; commitment has to be made to a joint identity .
2 the application has to be made to a quarterly meeting of the board ( s.5(6) ) , and the transfer effected can only be to the person who during the currency of the licence has become the Owner or occupier or the new tenant of the premises to which the certificate relates .
3 It was quite common in Judaism for an appeal to be made to a religious leader in matters of legal inheritance .
4 Visits will be made to a small number of contrasting forces for a fairly prolonged period .
5 A false report of theft could be made to a next-door neighbour , perhaps to cover up for dealing with property wrongfully , and then the neighbour could make a genuine report to the police about the false theft , thereby causing police time to be wasted .
6 Until the general election result is known no definite commitment can be made to a new form of local tax due to be introduced in 1993 .
7 It would , in my opinion , in many ways be more logical for an application to be released from custody on the ground of non-service or delayed service of a committal notice to be made to a first instance judge rather than direct to this court .
8 This type of mortgage is only available to those in non-pensionable employment , since , in order to secure the tax-free cash sum , contributions must be made to a personal pension plan , and is really only suitable for borrowers who are within 25 years of their preferred retirement date .
9 When a payment is required to be made to a third party ( trader , government , etc. ) the bank depositor draws , i.e. writes , a cheque on his bank payable to the third party .
10 Small repairs may be made to a damaged surface by flooding the affected area with molten asphalt after the defective section has been cut out .
11 In the case of a student the report will also be made to the relevant member of academic staff .
12 As the European Court delays are providing a valuable premium for some people and holding up injunctive relief in this country , should not further representations be made to the European Court to deal with the problem as an injunctive matter so that certainty is quickly returned to the courts of this country ?
13 Reference should also be made to the recent House of Lords decision in Kirklees MBC v. Wickes Building Supplies Ltd [ 1992 ] NLJ 967 .
14 If more information is required , reference should be made to the complete set of LIFESPAN manuals ( references 1 to 6 ) .
15 The Official Secrets Act was to be amended to allow freedom of information , and changes were to be made to the postal service to protect privacy .
16 However , in general questions about control in management , some reference ought to be made to the increasing number of mathematical and other techniques which are now available to management in the execution of their planning and controlling activities .
17 For notes on this Act and these rules , reference should be made to the 8th edition of this book .
18 Erm in my view , it has to link in somewhere into the primary i into the road network and it 's not appropriate to link it into er the local road system and er therefore I think it 's inevitable that a linkage will need to be made to the primary road network .
19 Payment could be made to the monarch himself or it could be made to the current holder of the office .
20 Before leaving the discussion of whether DCF is relevant , a brief reference should be made to the possible use of option-pricing theory as a basis for valuing corporate strategies ( see Logue , 1981 ) .
21 One qualification that should be made to the general formula that Lord Goddard laid down in Hinchcliffe v. Sheldon is that it appears to make a person guilty of obstructing by omission , and the view may be expressed that this is not the law .
22 The Colorado majority in the December elections was expected to guarantee that no changes would be made to the new law .
23 Application should normally be made to the appropriate education authority for grant aid before 1 June of the year in which the student wishes to enter a course , even though at that time the student may not have been offered a place .
24 In cases of difficulty in deciding , reference should be made to the appropriate expert or Head Office .
25 Certain contents are excluded and reference should be made to the appropriate policy .
26 The fee will be £6 and the application should be made to the appropriate District Land Registry for the area in which the property is situated .
27 While there are some aspects of the redraft where it might be argued that the law has not been accurately expressed , there is no doubt that both its language and typography suggest that there are considerable improvements which could be made to the present drafting and printing of statutes in the UK .
28 Indeed , they are able to predict the zero-density frequency to a precision of 4 x 10 -14 ; from the present data , and they outline several improvements that can be made to the present apparatus , which already has a stability better than many primary caesium standards .
29 To answer this question reference has to be made to the prevailing interest rates in the Euromarkets , for this is where the deposits would be made .
30 Both these documents were promised in a White Paper , published last June , which detailed some minor changes to be made to the decentralised system outlined in A Framework for Research and Development , published in 1972 .
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