Example sentences of "[be] made in [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To avoid being misled by stones and tree roots , several probes should be made in a small area .
2 On her visit to Malton , she not only purchased a riding habit in deep , forest-green velvet , but ordered one to be made in a similar material of a light golden-brown colour , to match the shade of her eyes .
3 As a result , the payment to Mrs Sutcliffe had to be made in a roundabout way . ’
4 Last year , Mr Ashdown and his advisers embarked on ‘ war-gaming ’ — what social workers would call ‘ role playing ’ — to explore the moves and counter-moves likely to be made in a hung Parliament .
5 The same point can be made in a different way .
6 Capital payments ( such as interest-free loans ) can then be made in a tax-efficient manner to the trust beneficiaries , or the gross proceeds of disposal can be reinvested within the " umbrella " of the trust , thus deferring the capital gains tax liability indefinitely .
7 Delivery can be made in an appropriate case by the transfer of a document , or documents , of title , as in c.i.f. contracts ( see paragraph 3-.25 ) .
8 Reference to such a policy when this is appropriate — that the buyer is to have the benefit of a policy the seller has obtained , for example , or that the sale is conditional on such a policy being issued to one of the parties — should be made in an appropriate case .
9 The last help screen might be considered superfluous in that it is simply a reminder that all entries have to be made in an appropriate manner .
10 A less legitimate gain , but one which might still be made in an unsuccessful war , was to exploit the system of contracting to provide troops .
11 These issues are difficult enough to disentangle in contemporary research , and there are major problems in gaining access to data which would really enable those distinctions to be made in an historical context .
12 Whatever the future pattern of health care in London , it must make adequate provision for the demands likely to be made in the immediate future .
13 ‘ The final decision will be made in the New Year and we may bow to public pressure , ’ says the spokesman .
14 However , it is also understood the announcement was to be made in the New Year and was brought forward because the Prime Minister and the Queen decided to pre-empt publicity after being advised of a leak .
15 The final decision on how best to save the money will be made in the new year .
16 Public-sector wages and payments would be made in the new currency , but it would not be backed by hard currency and international recognition , unlike the future Latvian currency , the lats .
17 The head does not always have the time to ponder the price of those personal and professional adjustments which have to be made in the regular course of management .
18 Mortgages will not be affected and payments should continue to be made in the normal way .
19 Today , the industry has no need to feed off the margins , needs no lessons from Sigue Sigue Sputnik about the Global Leisure Industry , movie tie-ins or the killings to be made in the future collusion of pop and advertising to create new needs .
20 Enquiries should be made in the first instance to the Academic Registrar .
21 The decision should be made in the first instance as if it were easy to be made .
22 Firstly , how did this extraordinary mistake came to be made in the first instance by the Department of Transport .
23 The most powerful potential weapon in Parliament 's hands remains its control over clauses enabling regulations to be made in the first place .
24 The gains to be made in the political sphere are , as Chapter S will show , more ambiguous and contradictory .
25 Gouled Aptidon announced on Nov. 27 that he was prepared hold a referendum in order to " consult " the population on " changes to be made in the political domain " .
26 However , it is sometimes convenient to retain this freedom , so this restriction will not be made in the following section .
27 However , we know that some colleges will be anxious to take advantage of the greater flexibility and relevance of the new-style courses as soon as possible and SCOTVEC is still confident that substantial progress can be made in the current session in the development centrally of the new style course material .
28 Just as those who at the pre-school stage help children to learn to read know that a structured effort to consolidate all the skills connected with reading will be made in the primary school itself , so teachers in primary schools need to know what will be built on the skills , knowledge , interests and attitudes of the children whom they will pass on to the next stage .
29 A defence solicitor said his client would be strenuously denying the charges and that a bail application would be made in the High Court .
30 The House of Lords said that the Crown could claim immunity : ( a ) where the contents of the document were such that objection could be made in the national interest to their disclosure ; ( b ) where the documents , although themselves harmless , fell within a class of documents which should always be withheld .
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