Example sentences of "[be] made on the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now this agreement witnesseth that in consideration of the said John Weston Foakes paying to the said Julia Beer on the signing of this agreement the sum of £500 , the receipt whereof she doth hereby acknowledge in part satisfaction of the said judgment debt of £2,090 19s. , and on condition of his paying her or her executors , administrators , assigns or nominee the sum of £150 on the 1st day of July and the 1st day of January or within one calendar month after each of the said days respectively in every year until the whole of the said sum of £2,090 19s. shall have been fully paid and satisfied , the first of such payments to be made on the 1st day of July next , then she the said Julia Beer hereby undertakes and agrees that she , her executors , administrators or assigns , will not take any proceedings whatever on the said judgment .
2 Constant checks should be made on the key rack , usually late at night or early in the morning , so that if any keys go astray the matter is investigated immediately .
3 Application for payment out may be made on the return day , or it may be made earlier by application on notice .
4 Elimination may be made on the following basis .
5 A consistent basis for valuation is to be employed worldwide whereby all unrealised intercompany profit will be eliminated on consolidation and provision for slow-moving or obsolete stock to be made on the following basis ;
6 Applications must be made on the standard form which is available from departments , Faculty Postgraduate Offices , the International Office , or from the Secretary to the University .
7 We hope that progress will be made on the difficult task of working this material into the education of the less academically inclined pupils who would benefit most from money management education .
8 A similar comment can be made on the fierce struggle for women 's suffrage in Britain in the early part of this century .
9 As the manual tells you , by holding certain stitches in holding ( E ) position and knitting the remaining stitches in sequence you can work shoulder shaping , neck shaping , sock heels and toes and even a shaped hemline on skirts , while most attractive full skirts can be made on the same principle .
10 It invites the contrast to be made on the particular process , so that objectified social consciousness can be compared with non-objectified , and social representations can be contrasted with those commonsensical beliefs which are not social representations .
11 In the circumstances , however , the period of remand should clearly be as short as possible so that an early decision may be made on the full evidence .
12 On March 26 , 1952 , they signed the agreement now sued upon which has three clauses : ‘ ( 1 ) the husband will pay to the wife for her support and maintenance a weekly sum of One Pound Ten Shillings to be paid every four weeks during the joint lives of the parties so long as the wife shall lead a chaste life the first payment hereunder to be made on the Fifteenth day of April 1952. ( 2 ) The wife will out of the said weekly sum or otherwise support and maintain herself and will indemnify the husband against all debts to be incurred by her and will not in any way at any time hereafter pledge the husband 's credit .
13 The whole of the double-entry system is based upon this principle and it follows from this principle that at any time the total debits must equal the total credits and by adding the two a check can be made on the double entry ; this is one of the main advantages of the system .
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