Example sentences of "[be] see against the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In fact the great universal struggle for human rights is to be seen against the background of human suffering brought about by excessive state power , its abuses and corruption .
2 What choices a writer makes can be seen against the background of relations of contrast and dependence between one choice and another ; for example ( to take a simple case ) the choice between transitive and intransitive verbs .
3 That the SNP managed to exploit nationality — to make it politically pertinent — in 1974 must be seen against the background of Scotland , and West Central Scotland in particular , as one of the relatively ‘ depressed regions ’ of the United Kingdom .
4 That persistence must however be seen against the background of the following factors : ( a ) the weakness of her faith as I have found it ; ( b ) the fact that no explanation was ever offered to her by anyone in medical authority as to the risks that a refusal to have a blood transfusion presented to her health indeed to her life .
5 The 15 most heavily indebted developing countries ( see p. 37017 ) in 1988 as a group increased the surplus of their merchandise exports over their imports to nearly dollars 28,000 million ; the dollar value of their exports rose above the 1981 peak for the first time since the onset of the Third-World debt service problem , although the GATT report pointed out that this trade performance needed to be seen against the background of rising interest charges and continued lack of fresh capital inflows .
6 However , this should be seen against the background of the varying capital adequacy requirements for FIMBRA regulated firms .
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