Example sentences of "[be] see on [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Most of these mountains can be seen on a walk to the watershed of Glen Nevis , but foreshortening robs them of distinctive summits .
2 An example of the Eleventh Labour — the stealing of the Golden Apples of the Hesperides may be seen on an altar from Whitley Castle ( fig. 14.39 ) , although it has been identified as the Hydra , however , a tree with apples is clearly visible on the edge of the stone and also the head of the protective snake .
3 To his credit , or possibly his ignorance , Michael then immediately filmed the next scene , where he had to be seen on the underside of a fire engine 's turntable ladder twenty feet up in the air , being lowered to the ground .
4 A plaque commemorating the occasion can be seen on the quay by the Shore .
5 Disgraced minister DAVID MELLOR can be seen on the cover of ED BANGER AND THE NOSEBLEEDS ‘ Ai n't Been To No Music School ’ single .
6 This reduction in pleural thickening could also be seen on the chest x ray ( Fig 5 ) making it very likely that the pleural thickening noted initially in October 1990 and thought then to be unimportant was neoplastic from the outset .
7 Frenzied swarms of small black beetles can often be seen on the surface of still ponds and lakes .
8 The radar scanner can be seen on the top of the Lock Control Building at the Entrance Lock .
9 The remains of the rim of this pool , which was only an inch or two deep , can be seen on the floor of the Parthenon today .
10 The effects of this can be seen on the image of TiO&sub2 ; in stream sediments collected by the GSP from the Moray-Buchan area ( Plate 3 ) where enhanced titanium values extend to the east of the basic intrusions .
11 TOWN END may be seen on the left of the road coming into the village from the southern end .
12 Wood Walton 's ‘ speciality ’ , it became extinct in the nineteenth century , but was reintroduced from Holland in 1927 and can be seen on the wing in July .
13 When within binocular range it may be seen on the side of Theta opposite to the 6.5-magnitude star .
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