Example sentences of "[be] see [prep] [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 They may be seen as evidence of the insidious creep of sport climbing ethics into the mountains , but used sparingly they eliminate an unwanted and unnecessary risk and cause less visual intrusion .
2 All this suggests that the institutions of more stable family patterns should not be seen as evidence of the success of an effort at ‘ social control ’ .
3 For this reason local taxes will always be seen as part of the national tax structure .
4 All the Bible readings , therefore , the quotations and claims and aspirations , could be seen as part of the religious boilerplate current in the Middle East : as current as lists of arms .
5 The ‘ law ’ of natural evolution or development , especially when popularized by Herbert Spencer and applied to society , was said to parallel traditional Christian reliance on Divine Providence and meant that the expansion of Nonconformity at home and the extraordinary growth of British power and influence abroad could be seen as part of the same phenomenon .
6 These changing attitudes can be seen as part of the general reaction against the older voluntarism .
7 In the event , the CEP evidence was eventually given by the individuals responsible under the banner of the then Cornwall-based campaigner George Pritchard , although it would undoubtedly have helped its status to be seen as part of the local councils ' case .
8 Search unemployment can be seen as part of the annual turnover of the job market — firms rid themselves of workers who have proved to be unproductive or unsatisfactory in some way , and workers quit jobs which have failed to meet their expectations or which were intended only as stop-gaps in the first place .
9 The decision to accuse with serious crimes the Rathcoole UDA officers held in Long Kesh can be seen as part of the NIO 's strategy for forestalling a general strike confrontation with the combined physical force and political wings of loyalism in the context of the coming constitutional convention .
10 This spread of home ownership may be seen as part of the drive towards establishing a capital-owning democracy or popular capitalism ( refer to Chapter 5 ) .
11 The overseas economy of Kent was the most developed in early Anglo-Saxon England ; so strong is this overseas flavour of the Kentish economy and its society ; that it can almost be seen as part of the Continent rather than the rest of England at this time .
12 I do n't really want to be seen as part of the team and it 's not because I do n't like them — they 're all nice people — it 's just that I do n't want to be The Word 's latest wanker .
13 Rather than being seen as partners in the search for a solution parents may be seen as part of the problem ( Moses and Croll 1987 , Wood 1988 ) .
14 The press reporting of rape can be seen as part of the sexual titillation increasingly being employed to sell newspapers in a tight market .
15 In general , however , the developments of BUF anti-semitism from a rather vague ideological formulation to a virulent political weapon has to be seen as part of the strategy of lining up fascist sentiments behind regional issues , which attracted popular attention in different localities .
16 There still remain three sites , all north-west of the Fosse Way — Alcester , Droitwich and Worcester , and these could be seen as part of the fortified road network round the rich agricultural lands of the Lower Avon .
17 If , as Parsons puts it , there can never be an id-impulse as such for the individual , since it must always be seen as part of the expressive symbolism of a common culture , then it is not possible to envisage the possibility of someone being in conflict with their society 's common culture .
18 The Contagious Diseases Acts , alongside their formal aim , can also be seen as part of the legal effort to contain this occupational and geographical mobility .
19 To a certain extent , this process may be seen as part of the more established technology known as OCR ( Optical Character Recognition ) , but OCR has traditionally been associated exclusively with machine printed text rather than handwriting .
20 These tax reforms must therefore be seen as part of the wider reform programme advocated here ( see also Frank Field and Paul Omerod , ‘ The low-tax springboard to freedom ’ , Guardian , 2 January 1989 ) .
21 Such activity might be seen as part of the ‘ 15% free time ’ which most R & D directors say their staff have to work on their personal interests .
22 Nor , it is often argued , can they be seen as part of the proletariat .
23 Complaints should be seen as part of the system that assures quality and maintains standards .
24 It needs to be seen as part of the renewed offensive launched by militant evangelicalism in the 1880s , which influenced a whole range of single issue campaigns and brought pressure to bear on the Liberal Party hierarchy .
25 The individual and the nation needed to be seen as part of the evolutionary development of the race , through processes which obeyed observable and scientifically predictable laws .
26 The repair of derelict , and the construction of new , buildings connected with these estates could be seen as part of the same policy .
27 The Marxist position starts from the premise that modern medicine must be seen as part of the capitalist mode of production .
28 This reluctance could be seen as part of the general strict interpretation of exclusion clauses , but in a line of cases it was suggested that there was a rule of law that an exclusion clause could never cover a fundamental breach .
29 In the school library , Prestel can be seen as part of the total information and learning environment .
30 He can be seen as representative of the pre-war analysis of social problem in biological , hereditarian terms although he was firmly on the dominant environmentalist wing of the Eugenics Society itself .
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