Example sentences of "[be] see [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Rover have faced very tough competition from other European manufacturers like B M W which can be seen for sale alongside the Sterling in some areas .
2 The distinctiveness of the Swedish strategy will be seen to hinge on the central notions of citizenship and representation : on the one hand the deepening and extension of these on a universalistic basis in not only the political but also the economic sphere ; on the other hand their restriction within not only the economic but also the political sphere .
3 Its influence can also be seen at work within the North where sub-regional studies have shown that many medium-sized places and more rural areas fared relatively well between 1971 and 1981 despite the general appearance of economic malaise conveyed by the regional-level statistics ( Breheny , Hall and Hart , 1987 ; Champion , Green , Owen , Ellin and Coombes , 1987 ; Townsend , 1986 ) .
4 This can be seen at work in the House of Lords decision in Overend & Gurney Co v Gibb , just mentioned .
5 The film runs horizontally through an enormous projector ( which , in the Museum , can be seen at work from an observation gallery ) and throws vast , brilliant images onto a screen 52 feet high and 64 feet wide .
6 Margaret agreed to be seen at home by the therapist initially for three sessions , to help her express her feelings of grief about the loss of her husband , and to explore ways of coping with her practical problems .
7 Even if Mr Lang decided on a form of franchising rather than the formation of privatised companies , that would be seen as privatisation by the back door .
8 While the legislation is clearly to be seen as evidence of a government 's entitlement to legislate in connection with a national responsibility , it is also interpretable as evidence of the government 's impatience with local authorities .
9 They may be seen as evidence of the insidious creep of sport climbing ethics into the mountains , but used sparingly they eliminate an unwanted and unnecessary risk and cause less visual intrusion .
10 All this suggests that the institutions of more stable family patterns should not be seen as evidence of the success of an effort at ‘ social control ’ .
11 So they have to be seen as part of a larger whole within which they can somehow be related .
12 Although this chapter focuses on the key features of Local Management of Schools ( LMS ) as described in the Act and DES Circular 7/88 , these four elements should be seen as part of a coherent government package designed explicitly to improve the quality of education by reinforcing the accountability and responsiveness of schools and their local education authorities ( LEAs ) .
13 Musical flair alone has n't been the reason why the jazz poets/warriors have hit the ground running , it always helps to be seen as part of a fashionable movement .
14 The bids for Rowntree may be seen as part of a growing trend towards globalisation in world markets .
15 It indicates her willingness to be the dutiful wife yet refusal to be seen as part of a united couple .
16 In this way much of the movement of exotic items which can be traced archaeologically , can be seen as part of a system of ceremonial exchange in the formation of alliances , that is used by the heads of lineages for important political and social transactions .
17 Training must be seen as part of a wider programme of change and development of the institution as a whole .
18 Alongside the drawings will be displayed examples of metalwork and silverwork by architect/designers such as Adam and Kent , while the project is intended to be seen as part of a conceptual whole with the recently-opened ornament and twentieth-century galleries , as well as with the Lloyd Wright display .
19 If that is true , Mr Robertson 's proposal can be seen as part of a grander drama : the battle for control of the Forest Service 's soul .
20 In this paper the unfairness of this professional attitude is argued and encouragement given to the need for residential care to be seen as part of a continuum of services for children in care .
21 This pragmatic shift in philosophy may be seen as part of a broader ‘ revolt against formalism ’ in the USA .
22 When viewed in this light Robert Summers 's thesis that the legal realist movement should best be seen as part of a tradition of ‘ pragmatic instrumentalism ’ in American jurisprudence seems basically correct .
23 In Wales , too , Gloucester can be seen as part of a wider court interest .
24 In contrast the long-wave school focuses more precisely on technology , though it is notable that much of the debate within that school has been about what causes technological change and how that change should be seen as part of a wider system .
25 Individualised service planning , if carried out systematically , may be seen as part of a process which , in general terms , identified service gaps and deficits .
26 In general , the rise of female employment can be seen as part of a transcending trend which divides the workforce between two broad groups .
27 Structurally , adult education for the unemployed must be seen as part of a wider reorientation of priorities within the education system as a whole towards the ‘ disadvantaged ’ .
28 They can all be seen as part of a gradual but progressive process in the spreading of democracy .
29 Nothing would ever be said , but the activity would be seen as part of a clerical decline .
30 The snare is that clauses let us see the fullest possible type of syntactic structure ; therefore , any syntactic relationship or any other type of phrase whatever can always be seen as part of a potential clause , of which the grammarian can helpfully provide the " deleted " or " understood " remainder .
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