Example sentences of "[be] see [prep] [art] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Well he does n't bother to mention that the king also had an official welcome at Carfax , which was the normal place , what was known as the Penniless Bench , which was at the end of St Martin 's Church , only the of that remains at the moment , now , erm and then was presented with the traditional gift of gloves by the mayor , and the not very generous sum of £520 , and just about the same time , Alderman Nixon and 12 others who agreed with him disappeared smartly from Oxford , and were n't to be seen for the rest of the war .
2 The world 's clearest sea water has been recorded in the Weddell Sea in early spring , clear enough for a Secchi disc to be seen at a depth of 79 m ( Gieskes et al . ,
3 But women always seemed to be in the majority and the proprietor and his wife , both of whom spoke excellent English and German , could be seen at every hour of the day advising parties of determined-looking women in sensible shoes how to get to St Peter 's or the Piazza Venezia or the English church , or which were the best shops to buy presents and souvenirs to take home .
4 Where an old person is still to be seen at the centre of a web of relationships that extend down the generations and through the individual members to the community beyond it can be quite startling how the pleasure derived from life remains undiminished despite quite severe physical and material handicaps .
5 The formation of the double stranded oligonucleotide in the competition of the single stranded probes by the complementary strand can be seen at the bottom of Figure 2B and is clearly demonstrated in Figure 3 ( lanes 9-12 ) ( no extract or poly ( d ( I-C ) is added , only competitor oligonucleotides ) .
6 The niches may be seen at the top of the staircase , but the project of 1722 was never realized .
7 Continuing in the same direction , Long Drop Cave may be seen at the base of a low cliff , and this is succeeded by a series of minor potholes known as the Eyeholes which seem almost friendly by comparison .
8 A WILDLIFE painting by Jenny Alderton can be seen at The Society of Women Artists ' annual exhibition at Westminster Central Hall , London .
9 This conflict is clearly to be seen at the level of organized local politics ( chapter 1 ) , although the particular interests of the farming and landowning community add complexity to this .
10 Similar interiors can be seen at the Church of S. Pierre , Louvain ( 489 ) and the Cathedral of S. Bavon in Ghent .
11 As in a good many other towns , the £3 — £9 category was smaller than in the local villages , but the most telling contrast is to be seen at the foot of the scale .
12 Heavy freight 2-8-0- No. 2857 , on loan from the Severn Valley Railway , hauled hourly services between Toddington and Gretton starting at 11am while 50 year old Bagnall 0–6–0 No. 2566 ‘ Byfield No. 2 ’ could be seen at the head of a goods train shunting from the yard to the bay siding at Toddington .
13 Today she happened to be wearing the dress of violet-coloured wool which was the last thing Miss Statham had made for her — drifts of its full skirt could be seen at the front of her grey squirrel coat .
14 They can be seen at the end of the Walled Garden .
15 To his credit , or possibly his ignorance , Michael then immediately filmed the next scene , where he had to be seen on the underside of a fire engine 's turntable ladder twenty feet up in the air , being lowered to the ground .
16 Disgraced minister DAVID MELLOR can be seen on the cover of ED BANGER AND THE NOSEBLEEDS ‘ Ai n't Been To No Music School ’ single .
17 Frenzied swarms of small black beetles can often be seen on the surface of still ponds and lakes .
18 The radar scanner can be seen on the top of the Lock Control Building at the Entrance Lock .
19 The remains of the rim of this pool , which was only an inch or two deep , can be seen on the floor of the Parthenon today .
20 The effects of this can be seen on the image of TiO&sub2 ; in stream sediments collected by the GSP from the Moray-Buchan area ( Plate 3 ) where enhanced titanium values extend to the east of the basic intrusions .
21 TOWN END may be seen on the left of the road coming into the village from the southern end .
22 When within binocular range it may be seen on the side of Theta opposite to the 6.5-magnitude star .
23 The same can be seen with the ownership of land in Neroche Forest in Somerset .
24 ( Chromosomes can be seen with the aid of a microscope . )
25 Towards the end of this phase bronchitis develops , characterised by mucus containing immature lungworms in the airways , which may only be seen with the aid of a low-power microscope , and by cellular infiltration of the epithelium .
26 Thus the Carlism of the Maestrazgo — the mountain region of Lower Aragon — can be seen as a revolution of desperation in the creeping misery of a contracting economy .
27 These individuals can then form the basis of a directorate with a positive desire and will to co-ordinate since it will clearly be seen as a way of enhancing their effectiveness .
28 Bingeing can be seen as a way of ‘ stuffing away ’ feelings and then getting rid of them by vomiting .
29 This would definitely rule out the provision of tea or coffee , which would be seen as a way of putting the taxpayer at ease — which is the last thing the inspector would wish to achieve .
30 These dichotomies can be seen as a way of legitimizing both male superiority and the abuse of science .
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