Example sentences of "[be] make [adj] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Paul has just that transformation in mind when he tells the Ephesians to put off the old self , be made new in the attitudes of their minds , and then put on the new self , ‘ created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness ’ ( Eph. 4:20–4 ) .
2 Offshore time is to be made available on the candidates for non-electrical duties and records will be kept by offshore supervision .
3 The SADCC executive secretary Simbarashe Makoni admitted , however , that " there was no mechanism " , either in trading or in transport terms , for local surpluses to be made available for the needs of neighbouring countries if they were unable to afford a commercial purchase .
4 The record of the Disciplinary committee and all papers submitted to it will be made available to the Arbitrators .
5 Will he assure the House that proper British expertise in all matters — in the provision of food as well as nuclear issues — will be made available to the republics to help them towards full and truly free independence ?
6 I will ask the guardian ad litem to prepare a further report for the use of the court and I will direct that a psychiatric report be obtained by the local authority for the use of the court with copies to be made available to the parties under rule 26 of the Family Proceedings Courts ( Children Act 1989 ) Rules 1991 .
7 It was proposed by the Principal Education Officer ( Schools ) that £70,000 would be made available from the Schools Branch budget , representing £35,000 from the sum normally allocated to the School Library Services and £35,000 from central funding for replacement purposes .
8 In Sweden these potential documents ‘ which could be made available by the possibilities to combine and search through information using computer techniques were official documents ’ ( ibid . ) .
9 Total exports must pay for total imports , and if a country 's exports fall then imports will also fall unless the deficiency in exports can be made good in the ways specified .
10 Until recently , they took it for granted that their supplies from domestic sources could be obtained on credit and that , when these bills matured , any shortage of funds would be made good by the banks .
11 Awareness of the opportunity to earn the rewards must be made clear to the children so that their interest and motivation is increased .
12 ‘ I think they should be made aware of the opinions of the people central to the whole drama , ’ she said .
13 A sick man who values a hi-fi set more than a bottle of medicine that will cure him needs to be made aware of the values involved .
14 The client should be made aware of the benefits to both of you of using your time as cost effectively as possible .
15 To prevent further cases the Indian community in the United Kingdom should be made aware of the risks associated with the use of ethnic remedies , and their distribution and sale should be monitored .
16 But they say people must be made aware of the risks .
17 Staff need to be made aware of the indicators that trigger off their own prejudices — snotty noses , nose- and ear-rings , coloured hair , leather jackets , elaborate and expensive school uniforms , gum-chewing — all those things that set off an expectation of a certain kind of behaviour , regardless of the individual young person 's personality .
18 Negotiations must be with the advisers and no approaches whatsoever may be made direct to the vendors .
19 How do you think each of these-may be made difficult by the landforms and by the climate ?
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