Example sentences of "[be] put into the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Numerically , Miliutin wrote , Russia 's forces looked strong , but it was doubtful whether they could withstand the fresh and well-organized armies which the enemy would be putting into the field against them .
2 As a layer of gravel will be put into the base of the jar to help weight it down these slots should be just above this layer otherwise a strong powerhead could pull it into the pipe and block it .
3 At all events , I shall be much obliged to you if you will write to me as soon as possible — in order that , if you do not hold out any hope , he may not lose time , and if you do , that you may receive further information ; and he be put into the way of preparing himself , according to your wishes , for the situation .
4 Recent discussions on ‘ time poverty ’ and less recent ones on positional ( ie : intrinsically limited ) goods need to be put into the context of inter generational relations which in turn raise questions of equity and the emergence of social divisions based less on class than on age , gender and stage in life cycle .
5 Tea/supper Half of an 8-oz. tin of shoulder ham ( or corned beef ) , the other half to be put into the refrigerator for the next day .
6 ‘ Mr. Green finding it industriously circulated that he has entirely given up his intention of completing his survey , conceives himself for the liberal patronage he has experienced under the obligation of informing his subscribers that so far from relinquishing it , the Plan is three fourths finished , and that he intends laying aside all his other occupations to appropriate the ensuing half-year , from Christmas to midsummer , solely to that work , about which time , as part of it will very early in spring be put into the hands of able engravers , he hopes to complete it .
7 After some discussion the Lord Chancellor directed that the money was to be put into the hands of trustees nominated by the committee , or else paid to the Accountant-General — which was likely to lead to added expense .
8 ‘ Why should users want Windows to be put into the hands of novices ?
9 ‘ Why should users want Windows to be put into the hands of novices ?
10 Microsoft Corp 's New Technology operating system , expected to go into beta test this month now not be put into the hands of end users until July , Bill Gates told information systems managers and journalists at a computing debate in London last week .
11 But before anything can be put into the hands of the worshipper , many people are involved in its production .
12 One effective solution to this has been to identify elements of maintenance that can safely be put into the hands of the users .
13 ‘ It is not a tool which can be put into the hands of the average explorer .
14 Under the new system all of those services would be put into the hands of three authorities within the existing county boundaries .
15 Because everything that 's in our lives and is displeasing to God can surely be put into the chair of judgement , ad the power turn on and they 're gone .
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