Example sentences of "[Wh det] can be [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 I have developed a simple analytic treatment which can be applied to the main areas of electronic publishing .
2 Therefore we need to consider a model of decision making which can be applied to the planning process .
3 As a temporary measure ( especially useful with burst lead pipe ) , there are resin filler products which can be applied to the pipe to stem the flow of water , some of which will withstand mains pressure almost immediately .
4 An important case laying down principles which can be applied to the employer/employee relationship was Faccenda Chicken Ltd. v Fowler [ 1986 ] .
5 There are two types of response which can be made to the failure of company law to legitimate corporate managerial power .
6 One response which can be made to the gap which exists between the world in which Christianity came into being and the present world is to allow what is to be held to be essentially normative for the religion to reside in the past .
7 In view of this , Hauser and Ernst ( 1989 a , b , 1990 ) have developed an alternative method which can be generalized to the non-colinear situation .
8 There is , however , another meaning which can be given to the term : the model as an ideal , an exemplary type or paradigm , as in model pupil , worker or wife .
9 A series of strange events have happened in the building which can be traced to the ghost of an old railwayman , and more recently the spirit of an art student who unfortunately got hooked on hard drugs , which combined with drink killed him after he had attended the celebration party to launch the Horizon Recording Studio .
10 He first claims that accidents are unable to outweigh ‘ social needs ’ , which can be traced to the social relations of a society , themselves ultimately caused by its productive forces .
11 Perhaps we are seeing , as an evolution ( the origins of which can be traced to the nineteenth century ) , the emergence of a genuine hybrid tribunal , in which case to suggest that this body is a further example of the use of judges for extrajudicial activities is only one way to describe it .
12 This technique provides a constantly changing voltage which can be fed to the computer through a suitable analogue input .
13 It is envisaged that the outcome of the research will be a series of practical guidelines on marketing effectiveness which can be disseminated to the widest possible industrial , commercial and academic audience .
14 Planted into well-scrubbed clay pots topped with gravel , miniature spring bulbs make unusual Christmas presents which can be transferred to the recipient 's garden after reflowering
15 The curriculum is viewed as a collection of these bodies of knowledge , and as having a content which can be transmitted to the learner .
16 Prepare a proposal which can be sent to the potential new client at the appropriate time , outlining your approach to their work , proposed fee structure , etc .
17 Plotters are generally available with either serial ( RS232 ) or parallel ( Centronics or IEEE 488 ) interface which can be connected to the port normally used by a printer .
18 Externally the damper appears as a cylindrical inertial load which can be clamped to the motor shaft so the damper housing rotates at the same speed as the motor .
19 By luck we have one original bronze which can be dated to the earliest classical phase , immediately after the Persian defeat , and one pair of marble copies after bronze originals of the same time .
20 Breaking an organization down into smaller units ( work groups ) in order to cope adequately with the diversity of tasks that face it , creates opportunities to develop task interests and special know-how , but , at the same time it also creates rivalries and competing interests which can be damaging to the organization 's mission .
21 However , these blades do increase the damage which can be done to the model when you get it wrong .
22 The frequency of step commands produced by the oscillator is ramped up to the clock frequency at a rate which is determined by the filter parameters and which can be matched to the motor/lead combination .
23 Clearly this maturity profile has a much steeper gradient than all the late Paleozoics examples which can be related to the much higher geothermal gradient of 35–40°C/km recognised at the present day ( Albrecht et al. 1976 ) .
24 The goal , therefore , is to work out a theoretical framework of communication ethics which can be related to the formation of policies in different cultural and political settings , concentrating , as noted above , on the positive aspects of ethical norms and motivations rather than negative restrictions .
25 A further link can be forged to the discussion of inequality measurement above via the Atkinson ( 1970 ) inequality index ( AI ) , which can be related to the isoelastic function discussed in chapter 1 ( see also Stratmann 1990 ) .
26 Two approaches can be adopted to minimize the response time : a simple approach is to devise portable GIS which can be taken to the hazard ; a more complex solution is to couple the GIS to real-time monitoring systems .
27 we do not think that this is a question which can be left to the Commission to solve , solely within the Supplementary Benefits scheme .
28 Our Balinese house has no doors , walls or windows and is protected from the occasional horizontal rain by dense surrounding vegetation , and by reed blinds which can be lowered to the floors .
29 However , if it is necessary to follow the child around from one room to another , or if it is desirable to record a child with other children or with more than one adult present , then it is advisable to use a radio microphone which can be attached to the child 's clothing .
30 Automatically changing spray patterns can be achieved by means of a device which can be attached to the pump .
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