Example sentences of "[Wh det] can [adv] [be] [verb] or " in BNC.

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1 They are issued for periods ranging from 3 months to 5 years at a rate of interest which can either be fixed or floating .
2 It is an idea which can easily be qualified or diluted .
3 Guar gum is a complex polysaccharide which can not be digested or absorbed and it appears to have two effects .
4 ‘ Because if morality has a status which can not be challenged or transcended then the search itself is under judgment . ’
5 The ‘ bleep test , ’ the faceless , metronomic PT Instructor which can not be cursed or cheated , has honed the squads to a peak of measurable athletic performance , suggesting that our cricketers are fitter than our rugby players .
6 First of all , health and health care are seen as political , social and ideological issues which can not be understood or tackled in isolation on a medical or technical basis .
7 In each case the land has been exploited far beyond its true potential — out of dire necessity during the Wars , and now for blind greed and short-term gain resulting in vast surpluses which can not be eaten or sold .
8 But in the long run nature , which can not be ignored or defied with impunity , asserts its power ; … health fails … [ she ] leaves college a good scholar but a delicate and ailing woman … the special functions which have relation to her future offices as a woman , and the full and perfect accomplishment of which is essential to sexual completeness , have been deranged at a critical time .
9 It may be possible to argue that the parol evidence rule applies and that the signed document contains the whole of the parties ' agreement , which can not be supplemented or varied by reference to any other document or oral agreement .
10 Realistic goals , mutually agreed with the patient when this is possible , could then be set to prevent potential problems from becoming actual ones ; to alleviate or solve the actual problems ; or to help the person cope with those which can not be alleviated or solved .
11 Mutual , realistic goals can then be set to prevent potential problems from becoming actual ones ; to alleviate or solve the actual problems ; or to help the patient cope with those which can not be alleviated or solved .
12 which can not be interpreted or praised :
13 By virtue of s41 of CPA 1987 , breach of a safety regulation , as distinct from the general safety requirement , is also grounds for a civil action by any person affected which can not be excluded or limited by any contract term or notice .
14 But these details must be no more than reminders , ideas which can later be used or rejected .
15 This is easy enough with record sheets and drawings , which can simply be photocopied or put on to microfilm , but is far more of a problem with a photographic record comprising hundreds or thousands of slides and photographs .
16 There is no authentic or unified ‘ original ’ self which can simply be recovered or discovered as the source of ‘ autonomous ’ actions .
17 It is up to man to look at the world and through his perceptions and his thinking to convert the world either into a form which can then be processed or into an idea .
18 Accompanying this progressive distancing , there is a distancing from graspable reality , an increasing emphasis on what can not be known or explained : " resembling mysterious incomprehensible crazy of aspect as if abandoned no sign … " .
19 What can not be deduced or predicted is precisely how the specifications will be met , nor which materials will be employed .
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