Example sentences of "[Wh det] will be [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His speech , however , came aftera 24-4 vote in the national executive to oppose a proportional representation motion which will be debated on Thursday .
2 PFU Ltd , another Fujitsu affiliate , will also be selling the machines which will be supported through UPlazas , PFU 's Unix consulting centres .
3 The workshop , which will be supported by WACC , aims to help establish a network of Christian broadcasters in Eastern and Central Europe and to contribute to the renewal of Christian life and faith in the region .
4 The title of the seminar , which will be supported by WACC , is ‘ Communication for Human Rights and Social Transformation ’ .
5 The title of the seminar , which will be supported by WACC , is ‘ Communication for Human Rights and Social Transformation ’ .
6 Other collectors to have enriched the collection include Charles Fairfax Murray who donated forty eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century paintings to Dulwich in 1911 , a number of which will be lent to Christie 's .
7 The important thing to remember is that NVQs are for the individual , are broadly based and non-specific , in five levels , and once accredited the individual , from school leaver upwards , builds up a personal record of achievement which will be recognised by employers across the country .
8 Each of these economic relationships , which will be explained in detail later in this chapter , forms the basis for a totally different class structure .
9 I am grateful to the Minister , but is there not a danger that there could be an unfair distribution of funding research between the new universities , which will be formed from polytechnics , and the traditional universities ?
10 Even apparently descriptive language involves selection –f what are the significant features to describe , which will be affected by theory .
11 ‘ And the British Government are planning the launch of a UK-wide award , which will be announced by Michael Heseltine 's Department .
12 According to a CBI survey , preliminary results of which will be announced in London tomorrow , the average number of days lost for every worker in both the public and private sectors through sickness last year was eight days .
13 The plant represents a 16 000m yen investment and the EPDM-rubber , which will be based on DSM technology , will be sold mainly to the Japanese automotive industry .
14 John Wood Group is , therefore , in the process of establishing an Employee Community Fund committee which will be based at John Wood House .
15 The unit , which will be based in London , has been set up by Jardine Credit Insurance , part of the Jardine Matheson Group .
16 The long-planned Ecumenical News Service ( ENS ) , which will be based in Geneva , Switzerland , is scheduled to start operations in January 1993 .
17 VSW Scientific Instruments has launched a new company , VSI , which will be based in Wiesbaden , Germany .
18 Inglewood , California-based Locus Computing Corp , has introduced Transparent Network Computing environment , TNC , the latest incarnation of its transport-independent distributed systems architecture ( UX No 271 ) , which will be competing for space with similar technologies from NobleNet Inc and Covia Technologies Inc ( UX No 395 ) .
19 Finally , Longman Asia is to have a business development director , a new post which will be filled by Mark Anderson , currently heading up Longman UK 's training division .
20 But vast tracts of tropical forest are destroyed to create grazing for cattle which will be turned into hamburgers and other fast food .
21 It will have received monies from the disposal of trust capital on the purchase of its own shares but the proceeds which will be treated as distributions for tax purposes ( dividends ) will have borne ACT and would potentially carry with them a credit .
22 The newsreel film , which will be stored on cassettes that can hold up to ninty-six gigabytes of data , will need to be spread over 12,000 cassettes ( Fox 1993 : 19 ) .
23 Meanwhile the last event in this season 's NIWBA programme is the final of the NIWBA Mary Moore trophy , sponsored by Parkgate Garages which will be played at Ward Park next Tuesday between Divis No1 and Donaghadee .
24 Evert also revealed that she has added a week of exhibition matches against Martina Navratilova to her schedule , which will be played in Asia , in April .
25 On Thursday angry crowds stormed the Tripoli embassies of countries supporting the UN sanctions , which will be applied from April 15 unless Libya complies .
26 It is deemed to follow from such claims that human history is ‘ a succession of interpretations ’ , a piling-up of imitations , an accumulation of metaphor which will be perceived as reality .
27 Can I suggest that , rather than a draconian ban on book copying ( which will be ignored by Herbarium staff anyway ) , we try to replace this machine with one with a flexible lid to cut down on light ingress , as found in most libraries & universities ?
28 Pyramid will offer its high-end Unix-based servers , which will be leased via Comdisco .
29 One senior representative of an existing cash & carry said that MAKRO will ‘ obviously pose a threat ’ , not only to that trade but also to supermarkets , which will be hit by trade being diverted into the MARKO ‘ discounting ’ — through holding one of the membership passports .
30 But they also raise important issues about the role of the judiciary which can only be assessed in the light of a consideration of the proper role and function of judicial review , which will be undertaken in Part IV .
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