Example sentences of "[Wh det] had been [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 It was not in any way grand : simply a solid nineteenth-century country residence with a small courtyard and a pleasant garden sloping down to the river ; the sort of place , Celia reckoned , which had been built for a man of some substance : a prosperous merchant or , more likely , a gentleman farmer , the land having been incorporated into the nearby estate .
2 As for the old houses , there were none in the immediate area that I knew of , other than these which had been built as a nostalgic memento , as a reminder , as a gift both to himself and his family from a man who must have known innately that in discarding the past his people were in danger of losing their touchstone .
3 And when the needles , which had been kept in a plastic container , were sent away for analysis traces of amphetamine were detected .
4 The Tharos , which had been acting as a support vessel to the Piper Alpha platform was anchored close by .
5 I 'd have to buy an electric boiler to replace the gas one which had been leaking for a week now .
6 In addition aid money from the food programme , which by 1989 was worth $1,300 million per year to Iraq in loan guarantees , was channelled through the Atlanta branch of the Italian-owned Banca Nazionale del Lavoro , officials of which had been indicted for a separate multi-million dollar fraud involving arms for Iraq in 1989 [ see pp. 37425-26 ] .
7 i A coach tour operator has been fined £800 for allowing smoking on a coach tour which had been advertised as a smoke-free holiday .
8 They had stolen my good oilskins , but the thieves had never found my small stash of money which had been hidden in a redundant sea-cock , nor had they found the old Webley.455 revolver that I had hidden deep in Masquerade 's bilges .
9 Furthermore , the Russian right wing had recently been reinforced by a new army , the Ninth , which had been raised for a drive on Berlin but was instead deployed against Austria .
10 He challenged the validity of a search warrant which had been obtained from a sheriff , alleging that statements by inquiry officers about a flickering light being seen at a bedroom window were a blatant and malicious fabrication .
11 The second , however , seemed ideal , and was cheaper , though unfortunately it only had a small section of moat left , which had been suburbanised into a rock garden .
12 The material included flammable and toxic paint residues and solvents which had been stored at a site in Essex not licensed to deal with hazardous waste .
13 The worst affected was a 1935 Lagonda tourer which had been stored in a barn for some years before passing into the Museum 's hands .
14 If confirmed Thomas would reinforce the Supreme Court 's conservative majority which had been created as a result of appointments made during the Reagan-Bush era .
15 Despite — some would say because of — the cosy consensus which had been created by a powerful nuclear lobby with tacit political support , the development of nuclear power in Britain has not followed a smooth path .
16 Conversely , many of those in the amalgamated force who had previously worn helmets in their earlier life and had been moved into flat caps in 1969 welcomed the return to ‘ natural ’ apparel and their own version of a correct bodily disposition which had been prescribed in a 1958 edition of the Northumberland County Police Standing Orders .
17 The pain in his ribs , three of which had been crushed in a recent collision , was almost unbearable .
18 Rod Richards , the Tory MP for Clwyd North West , was speaking at an impromptu Press conference called during a constituency surgery at Rhyl which had been picketed by a small group of demonstrators objecting to his stance over the issue of pit closures .
19 Rod Richards , the Tory Member for Clwyd North West , was speaking at an impromptu Press conference called during a constituency surgery at Rhyl which had been picketed by a small group of demonstrators objecting to his stance over the issue of pit closures .
20 Waksman is said to have been shown a culture of tubercle bacilli which had been killed by a fungus in 1932 , but he was not tempted to pursue the implications of this observation .
21 Mounce unlocked the flat which had been converted into a bar .
22 In the case of an establishment which had been designated as a hospital , the medical officer was to be replaced by a medical superintendent and the master by a steward .
23 Some of her friends had fairly eccentric ideas of bed-sitter decoration , and had done far better than the Chianti-bottle , British Railway-poster effort , but none of them had ever conceived of anything like this : and the nicest room she had ever seen had been the drawing room of a friend 's mother in Sevenoaks , which had been distinguished by a bare and gentle colour scheme , and some pretty Georgian furniture .
24 The courts were re-organized and criminal offences re-classified , reforms which affected large numbers of people , but which had been achieved with a minimum of political controversy .
25 A group of musicians stood in the angle of one of the buttresses of the cathedral playing tambour and fife whilst the Dean and Chapter , garlands of roses on their heads , danced in solemn procession around the severed head of a buck which had been placed on a pole , its brown eyes staring glassily over those who now rejoiced at its death .
26 Here were a large dilapidated manor house and a church next door which had been turned into a barn .
27 I also had a plaster of Paris cast on my leg ( which had been injured in a fall some weeks before ) and consequently had some difficulty in walking , I was put on the Regimental Mini Bus which was run purely to ferry married personnel to their married quarters after functions .
28 It was a large , first-floor apartment which had been furnished as a suitable setting for an up-and-coming superstar .
29 Taylor was subsequently reported to have denied that he wanted to head a proposed interim government , an insistence which had been perceived as a major obstacle in the peace process [ see p. 37994 ] .
30 The Tramway Engineer , Mr. Freddie Field , was responsible for the display , and his centre-piece was the creation of an illuminated Venetian Gondola from the remains of car 28 , which had been replaced by a new Standard car of the same number .
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