Example sentences of "[Wh det] they [vb past] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This attitude was by no means confined to educated sceptics ; it was probably even more marked among the urban proletariat , who had largely abandoned churchgoing and were alienated from the established Church , which they identified with a repressive economic and social system .
2 At Cromwell Road the students made use of the first floor which had a magnificent music room and a ballroom which they loaned to the Senior Common Room for the purposes of the annual Royal College Charity Ball which rivalled the Chelsea Arts Ball .
3 The Die-hards were opposed to the rise of a socialist Labour party and militant trade unionism , which they saw as a revolutionary threat to property and the stability of British society .
4 The regular , monotonous monastic discipline gave the monks a peace and equanimity which they saw as a tranquil experience of God which was fully in tune with their normal lives .
5 In 1811 the Luddites rioted and destroyed the textile machinery which they saw as a direct threat to their jobs .
6 Herr Kohl acknowledged that the far Right was gaining support from people opposed to the EC 's Maastricht agreement , which they saw as an anti-nationalist pact to give up the Deutschemark .
7 The Tremaynes preferred their original country seat of Heligan , near Mevagissey , and during the nineteenth century they made a lot of money , which they lavished on the latter , leaving Croan untouched by architectural fashions .
8 After trying every aquatic shop in the area , I decided to write directly to the manager of Trilcot and within a week I was able to collect an excellent piece of wood which they sent to a nearby store .
9 Through the Declaration of Ilo , the two presidents committed Bolivia and Peru to implement the terms of the Gran Mariscal Andrés de Santa Cruz bilateral framework agreement , which they signed at the same time , for economic co-operation between the two countries .
10 In the western provinces , where the Christian population was overwhelmingly Catholic or in communion with Rome , peasants were refusing to fulfil the economic obligations which they owed to the Orthodox clergy .
11 The control the Scots ' pack brought to proceedings — principally from the platform of the lineout which they took by a conclusive 30-16 margin ( Doddie Weir and Damian Cronin pouching ten takes each ) , yet also in the alacrity with which they arrived at breakdown — left the Welsh utterly befuddled .
12 Labour and the Liberal Democrats are united in supporting the scheme for devolution which they developed in the Scottish Constitutional Convention .
13 This was not as easy as they hoped ; they knew that , however much it might disapprove of their activities , the English government certainly had no power to get its orders obeyed on the western side of the Atlantic , but their charter , which they hoped would make them independent of England , and on which they relied for the legal basis of their community , said — like all the other charters — that they must not pass laws that were not consistent with English laws .
14 Kabbalists and Sufis were often moved by the ideas of the Jewish and Muslim rationalists , which they translated into a mystical mode .
15 The development plans which they produced in the first decade of independence were for the most part competent , well thought out and well presented .
16 Lyles stand reported good interest and considerable activity at the show which they judged as a successful exhibition .
17 They became involved in sustaining the feudal superiorities from which they profited in a small way .
18 Charles and Arthur Wilson were made full partners in 1867 and were by this time effectively running the company , which they transformed from a major European enterprise into an international one with routes to North America and India .
19 Again , few long-standing customers will surely want to compromise their future bargaining position by revealing to the court the true weight which they gave to the various considerations before them prior to the placing of interim contracts with the employer .
20 The group had held a press conference two days earlier at which they called on the Fourth Communist Party Congress ( Cuarto Congreso del Partido Comunista ) to instigate radical political reforms and also attempted to distribute a statement to this effect to Congress delegates .
21 Such was the powerful rhetoric of Grimm and Jean-Jacques Rousseau that the very conducting habits in Paris which they denigrated in the mid-18th century seem to have affected all views about practice during the following decades .
22 His support of plots against Beaton in 1544 and 1545 came to fruition in May 1546 , when a group of Fifeshire lairds headed by Norman Leslie , son of the earl of Rothes , broke into the episcopal castle at St Andrews , murdered the cardinal and slung his body over the castle walls ; the murderers , henceforth known as the Castalians , barricaded themselves inside the castle , which they held as a Protestant stronghold .
23 Labour members , though generally more committed to old-age pensions , free school meals and redistributive taxation than Liberals and considerably more so than Conservatives , gave greater primacy in their election addresses to unemployment and hours of work , which they regarded as the major social issues .
24 Between 1840 and 1880 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels criticized and restructured the ideas they gleaned from all three sources , and combined them into a potent synthesis which they acclaimed as the first ‘ scientific socialism , .
25 Indeed , the mechanical clocks which they presented to the Chinese rulers were received with surprised delight .
26 The only redeeming feature was that he and Shan Hackett had lunch in Monty 's personal mess and ran up a goodly drinks bill which they charged to the teetotal general .
27 Poecillopsis gracilis — The Porthole Livebearer which is common at this location was Pat and Derek 's first wild livebearer species which they bought from a local aquarium shop about 20 years ago .
28 The warrior groups of the Fante , known as Asafo , adopted the structure and hierarchy of the western army and with it the flag form which they turned into a remarkable art form .
29 They had no children , probably because of Maximilian 's poor health , on account of which they travelled during every English winter .
30 Both came to lead theoretically revolutionary parties , which they staffed at the higher levels with relatives or friends from their home region .
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