Example sentences of "[Wh det] he [vb past] of the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As late as 1865 , the botanist J. D. Hooker wrote a revealing letter to Darwin in which he complained of the stance taken by their contemporary , Alfred Russel Wallace , who had wondered that scientists should be so afraid to say what they think .
2 That event had the imprimatur of no less a figure than Louis Aragon , one of the founders of the movement , who wrote an uncompromisingly surrealist preface for it in which he spoke of the rock candy sticks which ‘ emerge from the earth at every seismic shock ’ and toasted Félix Faure , the President of the French Republic who died , in 1899 , in the arms of a courtesan .
3 In an address to the nation on July 25 , during which he spoke of the need for a " fresh start " after the upheavals of June [ see p. 37523 ] , President Kenneth Kaunda pardoned Lt. Mwamba Luchembe and his colleagues who were behind the June 30 announcement of an Army takeover , and announced the release of all other political prisoners .
4 Rumours of Kozyrev 's imminent resignation had followed the publication of an interview in Izvestiya on June 30 , in which he warned of the possibility of a coup attempt , and accused the defence and security ministries of providing deliberately misleading reports from areas of ethnic conflict in the former Soviet Union .
5 Only the driver 's expression showed what he thought of the idea of living in a place like that .
6 IV Intelligence School who immediately made arrangements for a billet in nearby Linslade. from what he heard of the telephone conversation , Harold gathered that the billetor was unwilling to have a private soldier , and had to be persuaded that this particular specimen knew how to behave .
7 He liked what he saw of the school and got on well with the Chairman of the Governors , a fellow classicist .
8 She told him about the puzzle of the second set of keys , then Harbury wandered back and began to say what he knew of the case .
9 Kirov mulled over what he knew of the man thus far .
10 Freddie the Nark was a shrewd character , he thought , and from what he knew of the man Billy realised that he must tread very carefully .
11 When the White House lawyer first tried to debrief Reagan on what he knew of the affair , the president was said to have told him stories of Hollywood ; when journalists badgered him about the deals he had half-wittingly struck with Israel and Iran in August 1985 , he replied amiably : ‘ Everybody that can remember what they were doing on August 8th 1985 , raise your hand . ’
12 During the interminable journey Edward turned what he knew of the affair over and over in his mind , and wondered if it could possibly , really , happen .
13 Erlich told Rutherford what he knew of the assassin who spoke with an English accent , and to whom the word ‘ Colt ’ had been shouted .
14 In an attempt partly to offer a tribute and perhaps in some way to attempt a readjustment of the balance against him , he recited what he knew of the church 's founding saint .
15 And , from what he remembered of the funeral ( his grandmother 's ) , the ushers looked like men who were trying hard not to snigger .
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