Example sentences of "[Wh det] are [verb] by the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Lord Finlay implied that the trust mechanism could be adapted for use in international law , whereby a new State could be a beneficiary of rights contained in an agreement between other States which are bound by the agreement to accord it those rights .
2 The folds in the return maps prevent the relatively simple analysis of the strange attractor from remaining true , since points which are separated by the expansion in one direction can , if they are later on the opposite sides of the fold in the map , be forced back together again by the contraction in the other direction .
3 If the maser radiation of the main features intersects dense , plasma-like , compact ionized regions , the stimulated Raman scattering in the plasma ( due to nonlinear interaction between the longitudinal and transverse waves ) is expected to produce additional waves with up- and down-shifted frequencies , which are separated by the plasma frequency from the original one .
4 The Auditing Standards and Guidelines , which are developed by the Auditing Practices Committee ( a committee of the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies ) , prescribe the principles and practices which members of the relevant accountancy bodies in the UK are expected to follow in the conduct of an audit .
5 Moreover , the skills of precise analysis and imaginative understanding which are developed by the study of the ancient world continue to be in demand by employers across a widening range of occupations .
6 UPS is one of the biggest van operators in the U.S. It runs 60,000 vans which are built by the company .
7 After the birth of the puppies the larvae can also migrate into the puppies ' system and infect them through the mother 's milk ( 4 ) The worms mature passing eggs in the puppies ' faeces which are consumed by the mother and can reinfect her ( 5 ) .
8 Many of these creatures undergo intolerably cruel conditions which are ignored by the consumer and justified by the farmer .
9 The first concerns behaviours which are followed by the termination or cessation of unpleasant environmental events — for example , when shutting a window reduces the volume of traffic noise or turning on the heating reduces the discomfort from cold .
10 I have my doubts about the latter vision since archivists , librarians and museum creators deal with materials which are differentiated by the type of activities which created them , rather than simply by the physical form of those artefacts .
11 We have begun to characterise several of the ZNF genes located in the region 10p11.2-q11.2 which are defined by the KOX series of cDNAs ( 9 ) .
12 The reported recurrence risk ratios ( λ R ) , which are defined by the risk to a relative of class R ( K R ) divided by the population prevalence ( K p ) , fit a multifactorial model better than a monogenic model for both ulcerative colitis and Crohn 's disease ( see table ; note that recurrence risks corrected for sex and age are not available to permit rigorous analysis of these data ) .
13 The explicit aspects are those which are expressed by the attitude-holder about an issue should the issue in question be a matter of public controversy .
14 The expansion and contraction imply the existence of four regions , shown schematically in Fig. 6.6a , which are mapped by the flow into the four shaded regions of Fig. 6.6a .
15 In the highest rank come the founding treaties , which are concluded by the Member States .
16 VIEWINDEX searches through the text held in VIEW files and collects words or phrases , which are selected by the user , to be included in the index .
17 " Hire " does not include hire purchase agreements which are covered by the Supply of Goods ( Implied Terms ) Act 1973 which implies similar terms into the contract as does the Sale of Goods Act 1979 .
18 In historical materialism the state apparatus and its laws and other interventions form part of the ‘ superstructure ’ , changes in which are determined by the development of the economic ‘ base ’ .
19 One of the conditions for ascribing to oneself experiences of a mind-independent reality , Kant argued , was that we should be capable of distinguishing between those sequences of perceptions ( if you like , ‘ representations delivered up by the input systems ’ ) which are determined by the movement of objects and those which are determined by our own movements .
20 Singular matrices can be factorised as the product of two rectangular matrices — again , in more ways than one — the orders of which are determined by the rank of the matrix .
21 Institutional care is one part of a complex range of provision ; while it is right to reduce reliance upon it because of its toxic effects ( which are determined by the quality of care provided and not size alone : Huxley , 1991b ) it must be wrong to remove it altogether or reduce its scale or critical mass so that it ceases to be able to perform those functions which other services can not .
22 The place has all the appropriate externals , chimneys choked with ivy , windows with jasmine , worm-eaten shutters , mossy thatch , all of which ‘ under the quiet light of a sky marbled with high clouds would have made a sort of picture which we have all passed over as a ‘ charming bit ’ , touching other sensibilities than those which are stirred by the depression of the agricultural interest , with the sad lack of farming capital , as seen constantly in the newspapers of that time ’ .
23 The normal dyadic pairs which are represented by the category oppositions husband/wife , parent/child , elder sibling/younger sibling , brother/sister , are always asymmetrical and can never function as relationships of completely balanced reciprocity .
24 He said : ’ There are certain administrative arrangements which are handled by the Commission and which are clearly defined in the Treaty of Rome , and they can not go beyond their powers .
25 For cases where an option handles a large amount of information , an index form , showing the names of all fields which are handled by the option can be used to help you through the option .
26 Where an option handles a large amount of information , a page , showing the names of all input fields which are handled by the option , can be used to help you supply the necessary input .
27 Others are as big as dragons , great bloated monsters which can hardly move from their lairs and which are revered by the Forest Goblins as gods of the forest .
28 Section 27(1) of the UCTA excludes from its operations contracts which are governed by the law of any part of the UK only because the parties inserted an express governing law clause to that effect .
29 The objectives of these courses should be to make the future teachers aware how much mother tongue learning is accomplished in the years before schooling starts , and critical of the ideas and beliefs about language which are transmitted by the culture .
30 The bulk of the research will be carried out at the Public Record Office , looking at the internal workings of the policy-making machine , though also with an awareness of the theoretical issues which are raised by the pioneer attempts to manage the economy in this period .
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