Example sentences of "[Wh det] was [adv] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I had with me only the name of David 's hotel which was the Intourist , which was right in the middle of town , and my Russian phrase book , which was full of phrases like , ‘ I think my leg is broken , can you stop the bleeding ? ’ which did not prove very helpful .
2 With regard to B one development , er I wrote around those areas where which to other county councils , structure plan societies which monitored B one development and where B one development had taken place , which was largely in the southeast .
3 In Plato 's cosmology the universe was fashioned by a divine artificer imposing form and order on primeval matter , which was originally in a state of chaos .
4 Thus in the Mediterranean basin the evolution of valleys ( Vita-Finzi , 1969 ) could only be understood by reference to human activity and , more biogeographically , the significance of cultural biogeography was exemplified by the work of Professor D.R. Harris , which was initially in the field of historical ecology but proceeded to embrace the domestication of plants and animals ( e.g. Harris , 1968 ) and which later led to greater contacts with archaeology and to his appointment as Professor of Archaeology in the University of London in 1979 .
5 The boys in my class would come to school during the opera season , which was always in the winter , and discuss the previous night 's performance at every opportunity .
6 SGB management , seeking the easiest and cheapest methods , decided not to assemble or store new data but to use what was already in the payroll system and manipulate it by means of — initially — a single additional program specially written for the purpose .
7 There may however be a way of adapting it to say that the solipsist will be unable to use the term ‘ beetle ’ to communicate with his later self ( in a diary , perhaps ) , since what gives the term its meaning to him now can not be what was then in the box ( an object to which he now has no access ) but what he now thinks was in the box .
8 Erm they they obviously run a check on what was actually in the pack
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