Example sentences of "[Wh det] was [verb] by the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Tossed about between the two , he lacked a stable background , a circumstance which was aggravated by the changes in the fortunes of the Bonaparte family as a whole .
2 As the pairs had a pattern to follow which was dictated by the components of their task — lexis , structure , discourse function — it was possible for me to stop the discussions from time to time to concentrate the attention of the whole group on specific issues like , for example , the meaningful teaching or certain lexis and grammar .
3 Look up at the Great Tower which was built by the sons of Peter Parler in 1396 : -1406 , with a Renaissance gallery by B. Wohlmut , 1560–2 .
4 In the final communiqué , issued on Dec. 25 , of the meeting , which was attended by the heads of state of the six GCC countries , the GCC urged " the international community and the [ UN ] Security Council in particular to put more pressure on the Iraqi regime " for the implementation of UN resolutions .
5 Chomsky believed that the linguists should be studying the competence of language rather than the performance which was studied by the structuralists .
6 Most of the Committee 's recommendations were speedily implemented in the Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1958 , which was amended by the Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1966 .
7 They strictly kept the Oral Law , which was developed by the Scribes , to interpret the Law of Moses .
8 The expenses of this were known as coat-and-conduct money , part of which was reimbursed by the Crown but most of which was borne by the counties .
9 The plea , from Japanese war veterans ' groups , comes as a diving team from Bristol begins an expedition in Truk Lagoon today to chart the wreckage of the Japanese 4th Fleet , which was destroyed by the Americans in February 1944 …
10 The argument , which was accepted by the Democrats , reasoned that as the territories ' representatives were permitted to vote in legislative committees they should , therefore , be entitled to vote in the committee of the whole .
11 French intervention in Mexico , which was seen by the Americans as an affront to the Monroe Doctrine , coupled with the Emperor 's known sympathy with the Confederacy during the Civil War , had served to reinforce American prejudice against the Empire and all its works .
12 As well as academic achievements , McGill was noted for originating two major sports : ice hockey , in 1875 , largely from the rules written by J.G.A. Creighton ; and a species of rugby which was played by the citizens and soldiers ( for Montreal had remained a garrison town ) as well as the students .
13 IFN γ led to a noticeable increase in HLA-DR mRNA which was attenuated by the drugs .
14 This ‘ supervisory jurisdiction ’ ( which is ‘ inherent ’ , that is to say , it is a jurisdiction which was assumed by the judges rather than conferred on the court by statute ) is to be contrasted with ‘ appellate jurisdiction ’ ( which is possessed by a number of courts and other bodies such as appeal tribunals ) .
15 This kind of rapport is difficult to achieve and it entails an entirely different relationship between the informant and his pupil from that which was assumed by the anthropologists of seventy years ago .
16 The construction which is put forward by the Commissioners is one which was adopted by the courts in respect of section 4 of the Bankruptcy Act 1914 , upon which section 265 of the Act of 1986 is plainly modelled .
17 James maintained that he could issue dispensations from the provisions of this Act by the royal prerogative , an opinion which was upheld by the judges in the test case of Godden v. Hales in June 1686 , although it required a purge of the judicial bench to achieve a verdict favourable to the Crown .
18 Above : the printed housecoat , designed by student Amy Moore , which was selected by the Clothes Show Magazine .
19 Ours were led on a policy led planning process which was driven by the needs of , which are clearly identified in the an anti poverty strategy which is designed to protect the services , the jobs , to regenerate the local economy and make a better place to live and for children to grow up in .
20 This is particularly marked in The Mysteries of Udolpho , for when Mrs Radcliffe describes the cottage in which her heroine has taken shelter , she writes of this ‘ bower of sweets ’ as though the reader stood outside it , although Emily , whose view he shares , is indoors , at her bedroom window : ‘ The cottage , which was shaded by the woods from the intenser rays of the sun , and was open only to his evening light , was covered entirely with vines , fig-trees , and jessamine whose flowers surpassed in size and fragrance any that Emily had seen . ’
21 In Roberts ( 1971 ) 56 Cr App R 95 ( CA ) , an important case which was approved by the Lords in Savage , the court seems to have held that the mens rea is the same as for common law assault .
22 Marion Howells and her daughter Kayleigh were asleep just a few feet from a window which was shattered by the blasts .
23 Surprisingly , it seems to have been the only instance of monastic dissolution in the county which was resisted by the locals .
24 On 23 November 1991 there was a violent incident which was investigated by the police in the flat below the mother 's flat , which involved the father and other people .
25 Stewart slipped on the wicketkeeping gloves when Russell took a day 's sick leave with a stomach upset , and the final three sessions were played out in the usual no-prospects eeriness , which was heightened by the horrors of the evening before .
26 The particular problem to which my hon. Friends have referred has arisen because we will have to pay back about £6 million , which was awarded by the rates valuation courts because of previous overpayment of rates .
27 My Lord the er defendants deny erm that er if there was any breach of contract or negligent on their part as that caused the losses which are claimed and also er do not admit any of the losses or damage er I consider the damage which was claimed by the plaintiffs .
28 Adhesives can be either rubber solution glue or egg white , which was used by the Victorians , and I think it is still the best option as it does not mark the leaves and flowers — commercial glues do after a time .
29 Immediately before Hitler 's invasion of Poland Knox went with A. G. Denniston [ q.v. ] , the head of GC and CS , to a secret base at Pyry , where he was shown a reconstruction of the Enigma cipher machine , which was used by the Germans .
30 It was held in Chamberlain v IRC 25 TC 317 that where assets settled by X were invested in shares in a company controlled by the settlor , the whole of the capital of which was held by the trustees themselves , the income arising in the company did not arise from property comprised in the settlement within the meaning of TA 1988 , s672(1) .
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