Example sentences of "[Wh det] it [verb] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Current alliances include the agreement under which it manufactures some microprocessors under licence from Intel Corp , its joint venture with Siemens AG and Toshiba Corp on memory chips , and the PowerPC alliance with Motorola Inc , and its less well-defined agreements with SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV .
2 The differences between quotation and paraphrase can be seen in the following contrasting examples : Quotation " One of the most striking things about detective fiction " , Patricia Craig argues in her critical introduction to English detective stories , " is the ease with which it accommodates all kinds of topical ideologies . "
3 you know those orange drinks , which it says real oranges in nine times out of ten , it is n't there 's always some additives and what have you
4 21 ) who explicitly rejected the ‘ classical doctrine ’ of democracy , according to which it embodies distinctive ideals concerning participation in political life and the relationship between political leaders and the people , and replaced it by another theory of democracy as ‘ competition for political leadership ’ : ‘ the democratic method is that institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions in which individuals acquire the power to decide by means of a competitive struggle for the people 's vote ’ ( p. 269 ) .
5 One of the more striking aspects of the table of results is the way in which it highlights certain configurations of sentences which are almost invariable across all groups .
6 Far below , in the street opposite the 550 building , stood the tall statue of the Garment Worker , strangely distorted from this angle , and around the plinth on which it stood ant-like figures of vagrants and layabouts sat , oblivious to the cold .
7 Moscow has increased the number of countries with which it has commercial dealings from four in 1960 to over twenty by the end of the 1970s , but the volume of trade has not exceeded $30 million with more than eight ( Argentina , Brazil , Uruguay , Peru , Bolivia , Mexico , Colombia and Nicaragua ) and it is only with Argentina , Brazil and Nicaragua that it has risen above the $100 million level .
8 Britain had its supporters outside the Six , notably the Nordic states with which it held regular meetings within Uniscan to discuss and coordinate views on European developments and their possible implications .
9 A particular point of contention is likely to arise where a group claims that it was unaware of an intention to hold a march by a group to which it holds opposing views until some time within the notification period .
10 The League , in a report on the KKK , cites what it calls secret meetings in North Carolina and Arkansas of the two most powerful Klans , the Invisible Empire and the KKK Knights , where leaders , including Thomas Robb , Slater 's mentor , told members to begin lowering the racist rhetoric and avoid lawsuits .
11 It denied denying what it called groundless accusations about embassy involvement in the attack .
12 The Committee was explicit about what it considered these pressures to be , saying that they had ‘ encountered several cases in which young men have been induced by means of gifts or money or hospitality to indulge in homosexual behaviour with older men ’ .
13 Formed by Beamish in 1918 as a patriotic organization dedicated to the eradication of what it termed alien influences in British life , the Britons campaigned for the forced expulsion of Jews from England and for the revoking of the Act of Settlement of 1700 , which would ensure that immigrants and their descendents would be ineligible to hold public office .
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