Example sentences of "[Wh det] may be see [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Farther along on the same side is the tower house of the 13C and still farther along there is a good market hall of 1895–8 by J. Fialka , the original iron struts of which may be seen through the modern ceiling .
2 for example , a production manager may be stuck about ideas on how to improve factory efficiency but looking at a potted plant on the desk might suggest an improved working environment or employees being given more wages ( which may be seen as the equivalent of plant food ) .
3 Plants from the Physic Garden were copied by the gifted collage artist , Mrs Delaney , and fourteen were faithfully reproduced in her delicate paper mosaic work , some of which may be seen in the British Museum today .
4 Hawkshead Church has nearly 200 documents confirming this , one of which may be seen in the Church .
5 It was he who , in 1344 , the year in which Prague became an archbishopric , laid the foundation stone on the site of a Romanesque basilica , the remains of which may be seen in the crypt .
6 The earliest inhabitants of the area some 4000 years ago , however , left traces of their presence in the form of tools like stone axes , many of which may be seen in the Armagh County Museum .
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